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Everything posted by Bhs1975

  1. https://www.vnews.com/Column-We-can-pay-now-or-later-for-climate-destruction-36385308
  2. Mars has tons of lava tubes that could be sealed off a pressurized for habitation.
  3. How many times you gonna rehash this? The SMF ain’t listening.
  4. This paper shows that SSTs where cooler in the tropics during that time and changes in ocean circulation not CO2 was in the drivers seat like it is now. https://web.archive.org/web/20100119135516/http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2002/2001PA000724.shtml
  5. This further confirms that 350ppm CO2 is the max safe limit.
  6. Any earth sized planet in the habitable zone that was too cold for our liking. Mars is a bit too small. Earth is on the inside edge of the habitable zone so warming is bad. We should be terraforming by pulling GHG out and stop adding more. The Sun will eventually get too hot for any amount of GHG levels to make Earth habitable and we would have to actually block a lot solar radiation which would be impractical. Then we would have to find another planet. This scenario has been going on in the universe for a very long time. We are speeding up the process.
  7. What would you do if you wanted to terraform a planet to make it warmer and wetter especially at higher latitudes?
  8. It’s going to take some extreme intervention to change our course. We are going to have to be forced to act.
  9. I know right? WTF is your problem dude?Don has corrected you over and over and over again and I am getting sick of it. STFU with your nonsense.
  10. Looking at that chart you can see that 350ppm CO2 is that upper limit before feed backs kick in and set off runaway warming.
  11. Seems like with AGW the rich get richer and the poor get poorer with respect to precipitation.
  12. It’s also melting more ice by bringing warm moist air all the way to the north pole.
  13. Why do keep regurgitating the same crap without backing it up with any peer reviewed material?
  14. That’s why we need a technocratic government to turn things around in time to survive. Not looking good for civilization right now.
  15. Oh look the poles are warmest to due Arctic amplification which fits perfectly with GHG forcing.
  16. We would never get close to that because civilization would collapse well before that if not in the next decade or two from disaster after disaster.
  17. Dude the models suck. They kept trying to kill off Laura and Isias until a couple days before landfall. How did that work out?
  18. He’s just a stubborn old man who won’t change. It’s time to move on stop repeating yourself.
  19. What will the extreme heat of 2050 be like? 140s? 110s for lows?
  20. If this is a climate trend we are in big trouble. .
  21. Not gonna be rare anymore with AGW changing the upper air pattern. .
  22. Yeah a ton of coastal flooding and erosion. .
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