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Everything posted by Bhs1975

  1. We need to get much better at drawing CO2 down than we are now at raising it up.
  2. I guess you could say 2020 Trumps 2005 lol.
  3. There’s a lot of warm water in the Bahamas that’s untouched.
  4. The Greenland ice sheet was the last to form so It will be first to go. The Antarctic ice sheets where the first to form so will be last to go.
  5. And it would help with cooling to with the shade. .
  6. Yeap we would have to draw down the CO2 lower than preindustrial lvls to stop it at this point.
  7. It’s going to awesome to see what happens when all these coastal areas get flooded.
  8. All oil and gas assets need to go towards fixing this mess.
  9. Or the losses will accelerate and collapse the economy.
  10. They survived a giant asteroid hitting the Earth. They will be fine.
  11. I forgot to add the crazy election coming up as well. How many more nails to we need in the coffin?
  12. With the economy weakened by COVID AGW will deal the final blow.
  13. Looks like we’re gonna blow by that 1.5C limit soon.
  14. All this forest management talk is BS. It made the issue worse but without AGW to dry it up we wouldn’t be having these mega fires.
  15. There’s a lot we still don’t understand like these feedbacks that will make the situation worse.
  16. The positive feedbacks are very strong and we could easily see no sea ice at all year around within the next century or two just like during the Pliocene.
  17. Even if we stop all emissions now we are still in big trouble. We need a massive draw down and solar blockage at this point. https://news.yahoo.com/arctic-hasnt-warm-3-million-122739770.html
  18. We may end up there soon by looking at the way things are going here.
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