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Everything posted by Bhs1975

  1. So if we drastically lowered emissions and irrigated and grew plants on as much available land as possible it would both provide a cooling effect and draw down huge amounts of CO2.
  2. This is why canes lose their punch when they are slow to move over shelf waters.
  3. SSTs where over 100F in the tropics during the PETM.
  4. Looks like your the only one here spouting denier nonsense.
  5. It was a swamp with alligators and palms during the Cretaceous.
  6. Yeap the massive disruptions will only accelerate degrading civilization to some unknown breaking point.
  7. We're supposed to be carbon neutral by 2050 but we are heading in the wrong direction fast. At this point I rather have nuclear war to reset everything.
  8. The net zero should have been done decades ago so the sooner the better as we are already getting our ass kicked by AGW.
  9. Last time there was over 400ppm CO2 there was no summer ice and no Greenland ice sheet.
  10. If we can keep it under around 3C we may avoid that fate. This book will explain. https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=1435723767
  11. If we see several degrees C of temperature rise then civilization would collapse with the eventual extinction of any remnant populations on a planet to hot to adapt to.
  12. Yeap headed for extinction on a soon to be uninhabitable planet.
  13. The ETs will be taking over at some point with their hybrids already in place waiting for the word to start the failed experiment over.
  14. Arizona has been getting dew points in the mid 70s lately with the heavy monsoon storms.
  15. Over the long haul as the sun heats up we will need to lower GHG levels to keep Earth habitable but eventually in a billion years or so even 0 GHG levels won't be enough. The Earth completely froze over in the past at least twice because it needed several thousand ppm CO2 to keep that from happening but now with a much hotter Sun that's not the case anymore.
  16. I'm willing to bet this scenario plays out all over the universe and we are being visited and our DNA tinkered with by aliens millions of years ahead of us.
  17. Well one like a hive type like the Borg in STNG would be. As a matter of fact we are being assimilated right now.
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