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Everything posted by Bhs1975

  1. So if there is no major change then what is causing all the rapid ice loss on the planet, most of which has stable for hundreds of thousands of years? .
  2. All weather and climate can be contributed to climate change as we are fundamentally changing the atmosphere.
  3. Where gonna have like 5 active at a time in August.
  4. Looks like that's there new climate now. .
  5. And when they do go under the government will have to bale them out by printing money and inflation will spiral out of control. It might even be this year with the hurricane season on steroids.
  6. What year is that gray line near the 2024 line from?
  7. You mean dimmer in the past. High CO2 is what kept Earth from staying frozen before life evolved to help pull the CO2 out and now that the Sun is getting hotter we have to keep it below 350ppm to keep a stable climate. That major dip in CO2 at the end is when modern humans showed up and started migrating.
  8. Humans and most plants and animals living today couldn't survive in those conditions. Only cold blooded reptiles and dinosaurs that are semi cold blooded would be able to keep from over heating. If we get to 800ppm CO2 that's where we would end up. .
  9. So we would have to remove it using renewables and sequester it underground by using reactions to form limestone. .
  10. That goes to show you that if we greatly changed our land use practices and covered as much as possible with plants it would suck down an enormous amount of CO2 and cool the climate by blocking the sunlight from heating the ground. .
  11. Not many folks care about a lake freezing less but they will care when those trillions of dollars of multimillion dollar properties get swallowed up by the ocean.
  12. The disasters will become so catastrophic and numerous that funds will run out for recovery and folks will mass migrate to less affected areas which will collapse the system. Humans will become nomadic again.
  13. I've always wondered what Cat 5+ winds would do to a high rise building. Looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of this.
  14. Looks like we are going to commit climate suicide and the only solution is collapse which would set us back to before the industrial revolution.
  15. Yeah they want to snatch it up and send it back east. .
  16. If it does it will be over the highest OHC in the basin.
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