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Everything posted by Conway7305

  1. Forecasted 1031 HP seems to be in a good spot over GL. The block I was referring to was a traditional Greenland block from a negative NAO index. If the NAO is slightly negative then we can score. It tends to bring storms up the coast, but too negative will suppress storms south. NAO is positive/neutral now and may dip slightly negative next week. Hopefully, it should not suppress storms as much . I’m still learning all this. A ton is still over my head….lol
  2. I was always skeptical about the suppressed storm look because there’s no real block above. Hopefully it will trend back but too much we will get mixing/rain issues.
  3. 2-4” storm will be nice followed by brutal cold! Let’s hope the big dog storms trend north. GFS will be running soon.
  4. EPS Mean for early next week. Wouldn’t take much to trend north with no real block in place
  5. Also, Ukie may be a hit and GDPS is solid. Just need to Euro and GFS.
  6. If only the CMC verified. Would be beautiful!
  7. 18z GFS 1/ 20 energy gives us a nice 3” but suppresses the 23rd storm. It’s really isn’t that much off track as Low still climbs the coast. Will see what ensembles say. Prob some decent hits still.
  8. I remember that storm back in the day. We found a big open parking lot and took the trucks out to spin around. I think Short Pump did a little better on accumulations than the city if I can remember correctly.
  9. The NAO is neutral/slightly negative. There isn’t a true block in place. That could help or hurt us if the low trends more NW like the operational run. We need the low off coast of OBX.
  10. Not worried too much with ZR or precip types. still plenty of time for adjustments. I’m just glad Euro showed a storm. Will be interesting to see how many ensemble members are showing the different tracks.
  11. RIC, when they come out, can you post the GFS ensemble members? Thanks bud
  12. This is good info. Thanks RIC! All we need is a clean Miller A and we are set
  13. Nice uptick from 12z. 4 ensemble members snow 10+ with the winner being P23
  14. Deep south snows on GFS. let’s see what the ensemble say. hopefully further north.
  15. Nice both are in agreement of storm 1/21 seems to be favoring the Tidewater and southern areas but plenty of time
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