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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. 18.9° moderate snow continues. 1.5 inches so far. If we can get to 4 before the change to sleet I'll consider it a win.
  2. 3.8° and dropping like a rock It looks like tomorrow will mark the fourth consecutive calendar day of sub zero in the HV, and then the roof caves in on winter
  3. The best I could do was -3.5° this morning, yesterday -5.6°. I'm not coming anywhere near the double digit sub zeros I was expecting and that occurred in NWNJ, northern Orange and Dutchess. 20 miles north of me seems to make all the difference the last couple of days when it's usually not that pronounced. I'm sitting with only about a 2.5-3 inch snow cover here, would that make such a difference as opposed to the 6-10 inch depth in the areas getting to -10° and lower?
  4. 0.7° About the same temperature right now as last night at this time. If the skies stay clear -10° may be in the cards tonight.
  5. Not for a second, maybe -12 or -13? I bottomed out at -5.6° this morning. Yesterdays squall was 0.6 inches bringing my seasonal to 20.9 inches. Another 30 or so this season to get to normal. I'm having serious doubts we even come close.
  6. I guess I'm low person in Orange County this round, 2.6 inches and done. The seasonal total is now 20.3 inches but to me the more important number is days with snow cover which now stands at a putrid 11 days including today. Last year on this date my seasonal total was 24.5 inches but my days to this point with snow cover was 31, and to me that makes a world of difference. Of course last year at this time I still had 59 more inches to go. I'm not expecting that again this year.
  7. 13.8° I just can't see any rain up here tomorrow. Pretty sure the mid levels will be okay and I don't think it breaks 30 tomorrow so this should be all snow. It will be interesting to see what we can squeeze out of it. Not expecting to beat the 10 inches from November 15th, or even come close, but beating last weeks 5.0 inches of snow followed of course by 1 inch of compression would be nice, just minus the ice this time. What a thought an event with just snow. Is it possible? Stay tuned.
  8. So the best this winter can give is 4 days of a beautiful winter landscape? Wiped away by a raging rainstorm and temps in the 50's in one day. A frozen snow pack with a LE of 1.5 inches should not be wiped away in the course of 12 hours. That is not suppose to happen in January. Just when you think this winter can't get any worse it tops itself.
  9. 7.0° Temperature never dropped all night. I figured with a snowpack, winds dying down and clear skies below zero was a lock.
  10. In time this shall pass. I know your dealing with a lot more serious than a broken foot, but I broke mine four years ago and was going insane not being able to do much of anything including driving for three weeks. It's just gonna make you appreciate it more when your back to full power. It's coming just listen to the Docs.
  11. Trees ice covered, snowblower broke and I'm not shoveling this. Anyone know any plow guys in Highland Mills/Central Valley area?
  12. Final snow tally 5.0 inches. Changed to freezing rain and sleet about 1AM which has now compacted to 4.5 inches of snow,ice that I can walk on top of. 30.0 degrees after most of the night in the low to mid 20's. Not as much ice on the trees as you would think, I believe most must have fallen as sleet or ice pellets. Pretty much what I expected except I still have power, for now.
  13. It's definitely time for me to upgrade. With some of these storms the last several years having a smaller model is almost like doing it yourself. You mind if I ask what this one cost? Also does anyone know what happened to Ulster? I haven't seem him post for months.
  14. Following one of the great cold waves of all time in January 1961. Poughkeepsie set their all time record low of -30 during the stretch your referring to. I believe the closest they've come since was -23.
  15. Great stats. I have this April as number 9 in NYC though, not 8. You might want to double check that, one of us is wrong on that one. Top 10 Snowiest Aprils NYC 1....1875....13.5 2....1915....10.2 3....1982......9.6 4....1924......8.5 5.....1917.....6.5 6.....1944.....6.5 7.....1938.....6.4 8.....1907.....5.8 9....2018....5.5 10....1887....5.0
  16. Amy Freeze said the city would get 1-3 inch total snowfall at her 8:20 am update this morning. Central Park reported 4.8 inches at 8am this morning. Sometimes they are so clueless you just shake your head.
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