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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. And of course the opposite happens quite often too. Especially for areas N & W of the city. People only remember the ones SNE cashes in on. When their to far east and in the warmer air everyone forgets those, especially in southern coastal CT, RI and MA.
  2. Actually the 30 year normal for Central Park 1981-2010 was first published as 25.1 in January 2011. However after numerous e-mails NOAA finally realized they did not calculate the 30 year average correctly and corrected the 30 year average for 1981-2010 in March 2014 to the correct 25.8 inches. Of course many places still post the incorrect 25.1 even 6 years after the fact.
  3. Yes it is, but it hasn't felt like it for most of the month. It's been a terrible 30 day stretch.
  4. I can't believe that, I ended up with 8, although I do vaguely remember the heavier precip all around you from that storm but never getting to you. One of the weirder radars I've ever seen if I'm thinking of the correct storm. March 2018 was 43.4 inches for me, the Highland Mills Monroe area seemed to jackpot every storm that month of course topped off with 5.8 on April 2nd. 50 inches in 30 days I shouldn't complain, but I would rather it had happened in December or January and not March.
  5. I love it that you never give up. It keeps me going during these trying times.
  6. Yet every year the same people will always state that it ends March 1. This despite the fact 4 of the last 5 winters in NYC March has been the snowiest month and 2 of the last 3 Marchs have been colder than February.
  7. 84 Definitely not to far north. There's a lot of posters in the NYC forum 20-30 miles north of 84 in the HV. Also there are probably more SWCT posters there than in the New England forum.
  8. starting from the 1940's the 10 year averages are 1941-1950.....31.5 1951-1960.....24.1 1961-1970.....29.0 1971-1980.....21.3 1981-1990.....20.2 1991-2000.....25.4 2001-2010.....32.1 2011-2020.....36.9 if no more snow falls until Dec 31 2020, perish the thought The 150 year average is 28.8 so which decade from the above was normal for snowfall ? You could make the argument the 60's was, all of the others fall out of the range.
  9. This is where people, I guess of a certain age (35-55) make that same mistake thinking the 70's and 80's were normal. They were the two least snowiest decades of the 150 years NYC has been keeping official records. When people say the 2000's aren't the norm it's true but neither was that 20 year period. The 150 year average is 28.8 inches in Central Park. The 1970's and 1980's averaged 21.3 and 20.2 inches respectively ,and the 2000's and 2010's 32.1 and 36.9 so far. Both are way above and below the 28.8 inch 150 year average.
  10. Not many in NYC in the late 80's. Jan 22, 1987 8.1 inches in the Park
  11. Sorry but this year and last aren't even close to normal. Certainly not for temperatures and not for snowfall either. Forget the last 20 years the 150 year average is 28.8 inches per season. I posted the 10 year averages per decade somewhere this morning. NYC had 2/3 their average last year and will be lucky to get anywhere near that this year. But as you say one big storm could bring them near average. Let's hope.
  12. True. With 4 out of the last 5 winters in NYC March has been the snowiest month, and in two of the last three March has been colder than February which is really out of the norm. I'll take snow any month but my preference has always been December, January, February in that order.
  13. Using the 01-10 years the same as the averages are calculated by the NWS no 10 year periods other than the 1960's come within a couple of inches of the 150 year average for snowfall in NYC which is 28.8 inches. Was the 1971-1990 period normal for snowfall? hardly, 2001-2020 I doubt it. The only consistent is that winters have been getting milder, and the snow especially along the coastal areas and UHI, does not stick around as long. starting from the 1940's the 10 year averages are 1941-1950.....31.5 1951-1960.....24.1 1961-1970.....29.0 1971-1980.....21.3 1981-1990.....20.2 1991-2000.....25.4 2001-2010.....32.1 2011-2020.....36.9 if no more snow falls until Dec 31 2020, perish the thought
  14. Not sure where this one started but it's not even close to being true. As Don already pointed out there was the 6.4 inches on Nov 15, 2018, NYC came close on March 3, 2019 with 5.0 and 4.0 the day before (I forget if that was one event that equaled 9.0 or two separate events) 8.4 inches on March 21, 2018, 9.8 inches on January 4 2018, 5.5 inches on April 2, 2018, 7.6 inches on March 14, 2017, 9.4 inches on Feb 9, 2017. So in the last three years there's been six storms on the great heat island over 6 inches and a couple more of 5-6 inches. I know this winter has been disappointing so far but we can't start making stuff up.
  15. The end of February 2010 storm, I believe it was the 25th-26th, Hunter received five feet, give or take a few inches, from that storm. A buddy of mine skiing there at the time and skies most of the northeast said it was the most snow he's ever seen otg at base level.
  16. The highest storm total I saw was 36 inches and it was only one place, The airport at St. Johns was a little shy of 31 inches. Maybe some are confusing the cm totals with inches.
  17. What did you guys end up with from the early December storm? I thought I remember @IrishRob17 and @snywx saying they had over a foot from that? On the other side of the river where you guys are it was that much less?
  18. Good to hear, based on this I'm putting 10,000 on the Chiefs today
  19. Since you brought it up Top Ten least snowiest winters in NYC since 1870 1972-73.....2.8 inches - hopefully never to be broken 2001-02.....3.5 1918-19.....3.8 1931-32.....5.3 1997-98.....5.5 2011-12.....7.4 1877-78.....8.1 1988-89.....8.1 1900-01.....9.1 1996-97...10.0 The fact that 3 of the top ten were in the 6 year period from 1996-97 to 2001-02, and 1998-99 didn't miss making the top ten by much at 12.7 inches, just emphasizes how nightmarish that period was. It was like a Stephen King novel for snow lovers.
  20. 7:00 PM measurements which by the looks of the observations afterward won't change much at midnight. Central Park....2.1 Brings the seasonal to 4.8 and leaves them 12.9 inches short of getting to a 30 inch average for the 1991-2020 period. Very doable. LGA 1.9, JFK 1.6, Newark 1.8, Islip 1.9, Bridgeport 2.5
  21. Final tally is 2.7 inches bringing the seasonal to 18.8 inches. A little disappointing.
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