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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. 32.9° and Snowing moderately and I'm only 45 miles north of NYC. Beginning to stick to deck and some grassy areas.
  2. 47 this morning. An inch of Snow and snow squalls second week in May and a hard freeze in mid May. I’ll sign for this spring every year. Maybe without the Pandemic, riots, and social unrest. Maybe next year I spend spring in Chaz?
  3. Not sure if anyone pointed this out yet but the May 9 snow in NYC was the seventh month in a row dating back to last November that NYC saw at least a trace of snow during the month. This is the first time in the 150 years that records have been kept that this has occurred. Why doesn’t it surprise me that one of the all time worst snowfall seasons in recorded history would set a snowfall record, dubious as it is. And with that said I’ll see you all in October.
  4. Bottomed out at 31.8° this morning, I think we make one more run at freezing tonight in the N&W suburbs, and maybe SE LI. The average last freeze in this area (HV) is May 5 so it is a late freeze this year.
  5. I agree. I hit 31.8° this morning, we may challenge that again tonight, but I think the nights of freezing are done for this spring after that.
  6. After the 0.8 inches on May 9 I’m now at 22.9 for the season. I’m contemplating adding a couple of tenths for the squalls that blew through Saturday afternoon. I Easily added 0.2 to 0.4 during those, but it quickly melted once they ended. The NWS needs to set out clearer guidelines for these May Snowfall events. Either way still my worst season in the ten years I’ve been keeping complete records. Hopefully I’ll be adding to these totals before the season closes June 30. Maybe a flag day surprise?
  7. Heavy squall for 20 minutes just starting to wind down. Accumulations began on grass and cold surfaces again. temp dropped from 41 to 35 during the squall. If anyone talks about sun angle in late February next year and how the snow won't accumulate during the day, I may have to seek them out just to slap some sense into them, while holding photos from today.
  8. 31.1° and an inch of fresh snow still on the ground. Looks amazing against the pink flowering trees. Bottomed out at 28.3° this morning. Was wondering if I'd ever see accumulating snow in May again, especially with how warm the planet is becoming. It's been a 43 year wait to see it again but was worth it for the novelty of it. It doesn't make up for the worst winter ever, but it's a nice attempt at an apology from mother nature. This is why you can't plant around here until the middle of May at the earliest.
  9. Down to 36 in city, with the first snow in May since 1977. I know it’s highly unlikely they reach 32 tonight but curious what the latest freeze is in the city?
  10. Snow lightning up. 32 degrees and 0.5 inches on the ground. Second best May snow of my lifetime.
  11. 0.3 inches and still snowing. This won’t approach the 3 inches we got on May 9 1977 but still an oddity worth staying up for.
  12. Down to 33.8°, snowing moderately and now sticking to grass and tress.
  13. 34.2° and moderate snow falling. It's been exactly 43 years to the day that I could make that statement on May 9th. Of course that storm produced 6-10 inches of snow in parts of SE NY SNE and Central NY and NE. Slide mountain NY received 27 inches which was the jackpot in that memorable storm. Now lets see if this one can produce any accumulation, an inch or two would be pretty cool.
  14. I haven’t seen accumulating snow in May since May 9-10 1977 event which was very interesting. After one of the lousiest winters ever I feel I’m owed this. I don’t include others because I’m not quite sure if everyone is in on May snow. Personally I’d welcome snow in June just for the record books.
  15. 35.6° light rain, some wet flakes. If this pattern switched even a month earlier it could have been a memorable last two weeks of March. The last of 100 other reasons to make this winter season a top 3 stinker of all time.
  16. I would have expected all of those seasons to have warmed even more than what you show here. When you give the deviations here, are they increases for the last decade 2010-2019 vs. the 30 year averages 1951-1980?
  17. 38°, high winds and sunny skies at high noon on April 22nd. I repeat where was this pattern January through March when I would have enjoyed the cold. Anything that flowered three weeks premature is pretty much dead from the last several days.
  18. Good Lord one month of normal temperatures after Several months of way above normal and people are complaining. It just reinforces my thoughts from several posts previous.
  19. Bottomed out at 27.8° this morning, the third day in row below 30.
  20. Amazing that so many seem to be complaining about how cold April has been and most stations are now within a half degree plus or minus normal right now for the month (NYC -0.2° through the 18th, Newark +0.2° and Poughkeepsie +0.5°. We've grown so accustomed to above normal temperatures we've forgotten what normal feels like, or at least what use to be normal as the planet continues to warm.
  21. Bottomed out at 27.8° this morning. Definitely looking forward to 60° later today. Where was this pattern December 15th through March?
  22. Did you get any accumulation last night Rob? I heard reports on other boards of 3-4 inches in the vicinity of Middletown.
  23. 33.6° and snowing, no accumulation. Went back and forth between rain and snow all night, nothing sticking, ten to fifteen miles to my NW 3-4 inches. The final parting insult to the worst winter ever.
  24. 33.6° and snowing, no accumulation. Went back and forth between rain and snow all night, nothing sticking, ten to fifteen miles to my NW 3-4 inches. The final parting insult to the worst winter ever.
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