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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. You may have already posted it but I'd be curious where the Dec 22 through Jan 30 period is. I would think it has to be at least top 5 warmest?
  2. Next time you travel that part of 81, and probably better to do in the warmer months, do yourself a favor and take the Blue Ridge Parkway for the 130 or so mile stretch in Virginia that it runs parallel to 81. It takes longer but the views are incredible. Lots of nice spots to stop and hike or just take in the views.
  3. Yep, with an automated strike zone he probably goes down looking, but even if he did they weren't losing that series. No one was beating them in 98.
  4. I was at the Tino GS vs Langston game too. I remember this huge guy about 5 rows in front of me that made me look like a midget, and I'm 6 2, 210, pulled his chair out of the ground and raised it over his head while he was cheering after the homer. I may have had a few that night, and I know those chairs were bolted in the ground, so it was either loose, or he was Superman, but still one of the more impressive feats of strength I've ever seen at a baseball game.And yes that may have been the loudest game I've ever attended. It felt like the upper deck might fall and crush us.
  5. Getting a foot of snow the first two days of December and having snow cover pretty much solid until around the 20th (in the HV I know others didn't even get that) started this winter out with such high hopes. It's been nothing short of a disaster since Dec 22nd. Bluewave posted this earlier and if memory serves this is now the 4th warmest Dec 22 through January 29 period in history. It doesn't get much worse than that. WTS and with no prospects of a pattern change in the foreseeable future I for one am taking a break and will revisit and hope for some changes by the middle of the month. One note of hope, and I have posted this several times in the last couple of weeks, March has been the snowiest month in NYC in 4 of the past 5 seasons. Odder still March has been colder than February in two of the last three seasons. Don't be shocked if we repeat the same thing again this year. I'll take snow in any month, but I do prefer front loaded to back loaded winters, but again this year it's just not gonna happen.
  6. Mariano on the mound and a fourth straight series, and fifth in six years were right there for the taking after incredible comebacks in games 4 & 5. Happening as it did right after 9/11 it just seemed like it was meant to be. Luis Gonzalez 120 foot single still haunts me to this day
  7. And oddly enough one state over in Denver they have 0.0 inches of snow so far for the month of January. I'm not sure how the ski areas in Colorado are faring for the month.
  8. It's time for JB to hang em up, he's several years past his prime. Granted he will be right again at some point with his cold and snowy tweets, but only for the same reason that a broken clock is correct twice a day.
  9. I know people tend to look at the pictures the day before the blizzard when it was unseasonably mild and assume they were coming out of a mild winter, but the winter as a whole in 1887/88, temperature wise was brutal by our current standards, and snowfall was about average until March. By month, December 1887 averaged 33.4° with 9.0 inches of snow, January averaged 23.2° (about 16° below what our current January will be) with 11.0 inches of snow. February was somewhat of the head fake month for them, only 3.0 inches of snow but still an average temp of 29.2° for the month. March 1888 averaged 29.9° which is the only March in 150 years to average below 30° in NYC. And then there was the Blizzard, officially measured as 21.0 inches in Manhattan yet surrounding areas like Brooklyn measured 36 inches, New Haven 45 and Albany 48 inches. Uncle W has some great photos of Manhattan after the storm. When you look at those photos and when you consider there was no snow cover the day before, there is now way that was 21 inches in Manhattan. It was 30 minimum and probably closer to the 36 measured in Brooklyn. The tradition of under measuring the large storms in NYC began back then IMO.
  10. Snowier yes, but not cold by any measure. The last 20 years the December through March Period has been on average 2.5 degrees warmer than the historical averages in NYC. I state facts I don't overreact, but if you say that again I'm going to my safe space.
  11. It would be a continuation of recent trends. Four of the last 5 Marches in NYC have been the snowiest months of the season, and not just in the bad years. Odder still is two of the last three Marches have been colder than that seasons February. That rarely happens.
  12. And further west Denver has had no measurable snow this January. A trace so far this month.
  13. As the coastal plain, city and Island people begin abandoning ship on this weekend which never looked good for them to begin with, I believe we still have a decent shot here at seeing something (by that I mean 4+) for this weekend. Sure I'd like to see a 980mb or below a little inside the benchmark, but it doesn't have to be that strong for us to get snow from this setup IMO. Glad to have a sub forum where I can say that without hearing about marginal temps, the stars and planets have to align perfectly for it to snow here, why aren't we like SNE their climo works for them, even if it does snow it will be white rain, it won't stick on the pavement, the sun angle is already coming into play, and it's gonna be spring in 4 weeks anyway.
  14. Very passive aggressive to those in CNE and NNE. However I'm good with it. Extended out to the HV I'm guessing I'm in the 24-36 inch band. That might even be enough for me not to gripe about the 48-60 inch totals 50 miles to my east. Upon reflection probably not, I'd be annoyed.
  15. Is it flu? If so the next question of course is did you get a flu shot this year?
  16. 18.8 inches Eastern Orange County in HV. When you say you're two feet below normal, don't you average 200-300 inches per year in the Tug Hill? I'll take your bad years.
  17. Somewhat of an exaggeration, depending on what you define as way more. Boston averages 17 inches more per season than NYC but 17 inches less than Albany at the same latitude. No one ever seems to remember when their easterly locations work against them too. if you're just referring to the city and the coastal plain of NJ what you say is true, but most areas N&W of NYC and even a few spots on the North shore of LI average the same or more snow per season than many parts of SNE, especially coastal CT, RI and MA.
  18. We are now in what is historically the best period in NYC for 6 plus inch snowfalls. There have been 193 six plus inch storms since 1870 occurring in the 5 month period between November 15th to April 13th. Seventy of them have occurred in the 30 day period between January 20th to February 18th. NYC 6+ inch Snows - 10 day periods 1..... Nov-11-Nov-20 4..... Nov-21-Nov-30 6..... Dec-01-Dec-10 13.... Dec-11-Dec-20 18.... Dec-21-Dec-30 12.... Dec-31-Jan-09 15.... Jan-10-Jan-19 20.... Jan-20-Jan-29 25.... Jan-30-Feb-08 25.... Feb-09-Feb-18 16.... Feb-19-Feb-28 18.... Feb-29-Mar-10 11.... Mar-11-Mar-20 2..... Mar-21-Mar-30 6..... Mar-31-Apr-09 1..... Apr-10-Apr-19 193.. Nov-15-Apr-13
  19. I never put any credence in 30 day forecast declarations for or against snow probabilities.
  20. The way some people act you'd never know we lived in an area that averages 50 or so inches of snow a season. We've had three feet of snow from a single storm and at worst case I was not able to go out for 24 hours. Is starvation even a possibility in 24 hours? This is assuming you had nothing to eat in the house until you went out for that milk, bread, and eggs you needed pre-storm.
  21. And the consecutive days with snow cover officially ends today at 7. It's now 24 days for the season, which actually sounds like a lot considering what a horrible stretch the last 5 weeks has been. Here's to hoping next weekend begins a new streak.
  22. It's now 12.9 inches needed by December 31 to achieve a 30 inch average in NYC for the next calculations for 1991-2020 which will come out next January. I would hope they could do it by the end of March, if they have to depend on next November and December I'd bet against it happening.
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