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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. It's only 96 hours away, and of course on it's own right now but why can't I at least dream? Unfortunately even if this came to fruition as depicted by the 18Z GFS cut the snow totals a few inches at least as some of the frozen over the HV is freezing rain .
  2. 12Z GFS for Thursday. Something to watch for northern suburbs Thursday night, but personally I give it little credence atm.
  3. Beautiful pictures, beautiful area. I stayed in North Conway and finally made it to the Mt. Washington summit this summer, incredible place. Stop in the Mt. Washington museum in North Conway if you get a chance and haven't been, it's a weather enthusiasts paradise. They still have stuff running this time of year that takes you up to 4,000 feet on Mt. Washington? If so I'll have to add that to the bucket list. I also got to the summit of Whiteface mountain near Lake Placid last September, another worthwhile trip. Leaves were at their peak in the valley and past peak above 3,000 feet, and pretty much leafless over 4,000 feet. On a clear day you can see presidential range from the peak.
  4. 21.1° and flurrying, add 0.5 inches of snow last night which now brings the seasonal to an even 20 inches. 12 inches of snow on December 2-3 and 8 inches since then in 7 separate events. What started so promising has turned into a nightmare of a winter.
  5. I have to respectfully disagree. The name Snow88 has not been working weather wise for NYC metro for the past 2 winters. MJO812 is still new, he needs to give it more time.
  6. I can't speak for either of them and their posts are always spot on. My guess would be they were posting similar stats for the time period of 1950 or so to current. What I posted was from 1870 to current and I assure you it is accurate.
  7. That's actually not quite true. There have been 37, 6 inch or more events at KNYC in December and 31 in March. If you include April there are 38, 6 inch events from March 1 on which does beat December by 1. I posted a breakdown in the banter thread by month.
  8. The stats below are for NYC, KNYC and represent the number of 10 inch or above, 6-9.9 inch and 6 inch or above snowfalls for each month since records have been kept the last 151 years. There have been 193 storms of 6 inches or above and 65 of 10 inches or above in this time frame. Although December at 37, does have more 6 inch snowfalls then March (31), there have been more 6 inch snowfalls from March 1 forward (38) than in December. NYC's best month for large snowfalls and snowfall in general is historically February, not the last few years though. No. of 10 + inch snows by Month 1…....November 12…..December 16…..January 25…..February 9…....March 2…....April 65….Total No. of 6-9.9 inch snows by Month 4…......November 25…....December 32…....January 40…....February 22…....March 5…......April 128....Total No. of 6 + inch snows by Month 5…......November 37…....December 48…....January 65…....February 31…....March 7…......April 193....Total Here's the average snowfall per month at Central Park since January 1991 through January 2020, the period that the next 30 year averages will be calculated on. Right now its 30.3 inches, they need 12.9 more by December 31 to get a 30.0 inch average for the period. October......0.1 November...0.5 December...4.9 January......8.7 February...10.5 March.........5.1 April...........0.4 Total......30.3
  9. It's not ideal but it has been the trend the last 5 years. I've said this many times so some may be sick of hearing it, but 4 of the last 5 seasons in NYC March has been the snowiest month. Much rarer still, March has had a colder average temperature than February in 2 of the last 3 years.
  10. Do what I do on days like this, don’t waste your time opening them.
  11. Sunday looks fairly calm through the entire route atm.
  12. Thanks for the explanation Rob, that makes sense. It's just another sign of the times and the horrible pattern that has controlled us for the past 7 weeks that this is my biggest concern.
  13. I noticed this morning that our sub forum title is not in bold like all of the other sub forums. Is this a subliminal message that our area does not really belong in the NYC metro, as several members to the south have argued during the past month? 32.4° 0.0 inches of snow last night. The seasonal stays put at 19.5 inches.
  14. I received 16 inches from that storm. Lost 4 pear trees that still had most of their leaves on them. Of course that was followed by one of the worst winters in recent memory, now rivaled by this one.
  15. 32.2° with light snow. 0.5 inches so far this evening, 0.2 inches last night bringing the total today to 0.7 inches and the seasonal to 19.5 Now we're rolling. I'm sure I'm showing my age but I really preferred The Stones, Mcartney, The Who, and Tom Petty halftime shows over the performers they've had the last several years. No complaints about the butt shaking though. Much better optical than Adam Levine stripping on stage last year.
  16. I don't think I'd trust any of the small area airports for snowfall totals and averages like KMGJ. Poughkeepsie use to report snowfall totals many years ago but they were always a joke. Maybe others like Julian that live near Poughkeepsie noticed the same thing. Just like Central Park under the domain of the Zookeeper, Poughkeepsie under reported or not at all much of the time. Whatever KMGJ averages reported are, add 5 inches IMO unless they are somehow the exception to the rule. Plus if the 42.2 is a 1981-2010 average, I'm sure they'll increase in the calculation next January for 1991-2020.
  17. Love the new name, maybe it will turn things around. At this point in time I'd try Voodoo if I thought it might help.
  18. From 1998/99 through 2009/10 is not complete so i had to estimate in spots. I have everything from 2010/11 to present. I wish I had been keeping complete records in 1995/96, I know I went over 100 but not sure of the exact figure. Since 2010 I also measure every minor event (case in point last nights 0.2 inches, 0.5 from Jan 8 squall, 0.4 from Dec 18 squall, 0.8 from Jan 6 etc, etc) I've noticed many people ignore those type events in their totals and in the end they make a difference. What's your average up there Rob and how far back do your records go?
  19. 32.0° 0.2 inches from last nights storm. Brings the seasonal total to an even 19.0 inches. Still a solid two months for snow, but It will be tough getting to the seasonal average of 50-53 inches at this rate
  20. I believe that's programmed in to automatically occur every three days. It keeps suckers like us looking even in patterns like this.
  21. Was there any snow remnants anywhere along the higher elevations of 81 in Virginia?
  22. And December started off so well. It seems like a lifetime ago.
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