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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. 0.7 inches here, 50.5 on the season 18.5 otg. Very remiss of me. Carrying the last name of measuresnow you would think I would be more conscientious
  2. It's actually tied for 14th. The way many of those online lists work when two periods are tied, in this case 1898/99 and 1919/20 at 25.3 inches, they include both of those years as one place on their list and then increment to the next number not two places past as it should. In this case there are 13 seasons ahead of Feb 2021's 21.2 inches which make this month and 1995/96 tied for 14th at 21.2 inches.
  3. 1.3 inches as of the 8:40AM observation at the Park which is their final total. 33.8 inches for the season for them now and 21.2 inches for February. Getting the record for the month of 36.9 inches (2010) will be tough IMO.
  4. 0.7 inches for this event puts the seasonal now at 50.5 inches right at the average for a full season. Happy that the extreme southern end of our forum finally jackpotted.
  5. It was -1 in NYC about five years ago to the day.
  6. Good question. That of course was when NYC hit their all time record low of -15° and I believe the NYS record low at Old Forge NY of -52° was also during that outbreak. Upton may not have been keeping records then. I don't think LGA or JFK were either, but others can check me on that. I'm going from memory on that so not certain.
  7. Not to be cruel or unfeeling, although I guess it's both, but who the hell cares, better for us.
  8. What a fantastic winter that was. There was a deep snow pack like the current one through much of the winter, and that ice storm on top of the pack which stuck on everything for days was for lack of a better word breathtaking in its beauty. Of course the record cold was the only time in my life I've experienced actual temperatures below -20°. During the coldest morning of January 1994 most recording stations in the HV were -20° or below, Newburgh, Middletown, Poughkeepsie all were sub -20°. I personally recorded -23° in Highland Mills in Orange County. There were readings below -30° within 50 miles of NYC in NWNJ, I think it was Sparta or Sussex hit -34°, someone can check me on that. And of course this was all temperatures not wind chills. For those that think it can't get that cold around here it does occasionally happen. I wasn't quite born yet for the January 1961 cold outbreak, Which outdid the January 1994 outbreak, but I do know Poughkeepsie hit their all time low of -30° for that one. Those temperatures are not just exclusive to the Upper Midwest and Northern Plains.
  9. Storm Totals Upton area, Orange County wins in a landslide. https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&format=CI&version=1&glossary=0&highlight=off&issuedby=OKX&product=PNS
  10. 2.8 inches in Highland Mills, Orange County, 49.8 inches for the season.
  11. 2.8 inches here, brings me to 49.8 for the season or right about seasonal norm. After last years 22 inch disaster of a winter we deserve this.
  12. Went back to moderate snow for a bit but now back to light snow, 2.0 inches even now., about 10 miles south of 84.
  13. Highland Mills in Orange County 1.8 inches and the snow has become light flurries. Temperature 20.3°. Most models had it snowing here until early afternoon with about 4 inches expected. Oh well seasonal total now 48.8 inches which is right near the seasonal average. IT looks like the train of storms for the next week may have fallen off the tracks into a deep canyon. I'm not sure anyone survived.
  14. Highland Mills in Orange County 1.8 inches and the snow has become light flurries. Temperature 20.3°. If this is it models were pretty bad with this. Most had it snowing here until early afternoon with about 4 inches expected.
  15. Highland Mills in Orange County, steady snow, borderline moderate 1.2 inches so far.
  16. This mornings GFS very aggressive with the HV for tomorrows storm. The 6 inches seems overdone, but in this current pattern maybe not. When it wants to snow in your area you run with it as long as you can.
  17. In the last ten days he has called winter over, declared no one would see 20 inches of snow from Mondays storm, and said todays storm was a typical 1-3 inch event. Strike three.
  18. 2.1 inches for the storm, 18 inches OTG and 47 inches even for the season, no complaints, it's beautiful out there. Hopefully we add more this week. Lots of chances but no guarantees.
  19. 3.0 inches at Central Park at 1:00 PM. For anyone in that area, does that sound about right?
  20. Light snow and 26.2° and 1.2 inches storm total as of an hour ago, and I doubt I added more than 0.1 or 0.2 since. 17 inches of compressed snow pack OTG now that's not going anywhere for awhile. I'm okay with today.
  21. Now that had be a rough day for the snow pack in Poughkeepsie.
  22. Not that the comment wasn't bad enough, but if memory serves the story was about a 13 year old girl. Mind boggling, what was he thinking? You can only blame the alcohol to a point.
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