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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. 7.8 inches otg 19.0° and snow has picked up in intensity. Not the quality of flakes it was earlier, snow/graupel mix, when over 3 inches piled up in an hour but no sleet either. Maybe I will make it to 12.
  2. 7.4 inches as of 11PM, 19.6° Snow just starting to pick up in intensity again after going through the dry slot for an hour.
  3. Rob, I'm insulted you even ask. Nope just taking total depth measurements every hour on my snow board. Although I believe the rules are now that you are supposed to clear it at midnight, like that's gonna happen.
  4. 6.8 inches as of 10:00 pm. 1.3 inches in the last hour, so thank God for the 3.3 inches from 8-9 or this would be bordering on a Greek Tragedy
  5. Hate to be unfeeling but, if it stays down there I'm okay with it.
  6. 9 PM measurement 5.5 inches here. I can ecstatically report 3.25 inches in the last hour. Of course tempering my enthusiasm, because why should any of us have a worry free snow fall at 19°, is the dry slot and the sleet showing up closer and closer. I have to stop watching models before a storm because they never live up to expectations be it positive or negative.
  7. 8 pm measurement 2.2 inches. 19.6 degrees. This stuff is accumulating quickly. Gonna try to take hourly measurements to just see how intense these bands are.
  8. 19.8° and dew point 15.1° moderate snow, increasing by the minute. W can't spike the football until the yardstick is in the ground, but It's all coming together.
  9. I had to look it up in my records but pretty much the same. i recorded 20.8 inches for the March 14-15 2017 storm but noted a dry slot from 12-3 o'clock kept totals down. It hurt but when you end up with over 20 inches it lessens the pain.
  10. For pretty much just laughs, but 36.6 inches in Orange County. It's fun to dream.
  11. wow that dry slot means business. Hope its stays down there, scary.
  12. Good calls Julian, very reasonable IMO. At this point as far as I'm concerned, and with the amount of time we've all devoted to this storm, and because I haven't seen anything contrary for days, anything less than 12 inches now I will find disappointing. Anything less than 10 would be disturbing, less than 8 I will pout for days.
  13. 20.8° and waiting. No concerns here for a change to rain but when the 700-850 layer warms I've seen sleet sneak up here unannounced and unexpected, even 50 miles north of midtown where I'm located.
  14. I'd love that. I received 20.8 inches from that storm. With all that ice and sleet mixed in a storm like that might not melt until spring.
  15. Disaster for some, but I received 21 inches from that disaster. As always on this forum one mans disaster becomes another mans gain, and it goes both ways, we've all been there and this one didn't even start yet.
  16. I'm hearing the 12Z GFS brings a foot of snow to Montreal. Kidding.
  17. More like lurching north. The 6Z GFS going north with the heavier snows was the first sign, although many didn't seem to pick up on it or just plain ignored it. If the N trend continues and somehow I end up sleeting here in Highland Mills I'm done with weather.
  18. You see that 12 from this mornings GFS run right over southern Orange County, we haven't seen anything close to that from GFS regarding this storm. It even has a 6 up past Kingston where it's been insistent in past runs accumulating snows wouldn't even make it that far north. We seem to be in a 12-24 inch range (from north to south in the HV) on every model now. I never spike the football until my yardstick goes in the ground to verify but after last nights 0Z suites and this mornings GFS I'm starting to breathe a little easier. Also remember this is 10:1 ratios, in the HV ratios should be more in the 12:1 to 14:1 range.
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