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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. Once you've gone that long they may as well break the record. I mean what's another 11 days when they've gone over a year without snow. I'd like to believe that run, but I don't, not for a second.
  2. You are correct. Central Park recorded exactly 6.0 inches from that event.
  3. Since NYC will most likely be 0.8 inches of total snowfall for the last 30 years short of achieving a 30 inch average for 1991-2020, shows how those missed measurements come into play. Just take a couple of those over the last 30 years, and we all know there are many more than a couple, and instead of 29.9 inches which is what the new average will most likely be depending on how they round each month, and they would easily reach or surpass 30.0 inches.
  4. 1.6 inches. A real yawn fest here in Highland Mills in E Orange County.
  5. 1.6 inches. 2.5 was my minimum criteria to be satisfied with this disturbance. Expectations were low so disappointment level is low. Still numb from the Christmas Eve nightmare, so nothing can really hurt me now.
  6. Where is Tivoli in relation to Millerton? I used to have a client up there that I used to visit once a month. I found it interesting I was 2 miles from the Massachusetts border and still in Dutchess County. I’ll never forget the October 3 snow there in the late 80s, I believe it was 1987. They received over a foot, in Northern Dutchess. I remember the tops of the trees on the Taconic Parkway were damaged from that event for years.
  7. It’s pretty difficult to get much worse weather than this on a Christmas Eve night in the HV. Had about 5-6 inches of snowcover today. I haven’t looked out but I’m sure it’s approaching 0 and positive it will be by morning. Thank you 2020, May I have another.
  8. It's to be expected this year. I should have known when this Grinch of a storm showed up on all the models five minutes after last weeks snowfall ended. Of course it hasn't wavered since, if anything It just keeps getting windier, warmer and rainier. Well at least we got a white week before Christmas and Christmas Eve out of it.
  9. If the storm Thursday was 12 hours late (unlikely) they may have eked out the technical win with a 7:00am measurement of an inch. Either way this F'n Christmas Eve/Christmas travesty is getting so common the last decade I did half expect it, even right after the last storm finished.
  10. Last nights 0Z CMC, fantasy stuff, but fun to look at, unless you live in eastern LI or Cape Cod and Boston.
  11. You may have at least an argument there. I think the Wilburys still win out, but that could be argued either way IMO.
  12. I'm not sure what we're defining as super groups here but is there any argument the Traveling Wilburys were the greatest super group of all time? George Harrison, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynn and Roy Orbison (for one album at least until his death) all in the same group, and all best of friends on top of that. I don't think there's ever been a group as talented since, or ever will be.
  13. Of course it depends where you are in the Midwest, upper, central or lower. Most of the bottom two thirds of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and most of Kansas and Missouri are horrible places for snow lovers and retention of what falls. In our sub forum the HV, Coastal Plain of NJ, NYC and immediate surrounding area, LI and SW CT. All are very diverse temperature and snow wise during the winter months. The average since 1870 is 28.8 inches, the new 30 year average will be about 30 inches give or take a couple of tenths, depending on what happens from here until the end of the month. NYC now needs an additional 0.8 inches of snow this December to get the December 30 year average from 5.1 to 5.2 which will then get to a 30.0 inch average when the next averages are calculated next month for 1991-2020. 30 Year - 30 year Snowfall averages per month & seasonal- New York City Period...........Oct... Nov... Dec...Jan... Feb... Mar... Apr...Seasonal 1871-1900... 0.0... 2.0..... 6.3....9.1.... 9.0.... 6.0.... 1.0.... 33.3 1881-1910... 0.0... 1.8..... 5.7... 8.9.... 9.1.... 6.2.... 0.7.... 32.4 1891-1920... 0.0... 1.3..... 5.7... 7.5.... 9.8.... 6.7.... 1.2.... 32.2 1901-1930... 0.0... 0.2......6.2... 7.5.... 9.6... .5.1.... 1.3.... 29.8 1911-1940... 0.0... 0.9..... 5.2... 6.5.... 9.3.... 4.7.... 1.3.... 28.1 1921-1950... 0.0....1.0..... 6.0 ...7.4.... 9.0.... 3.5.... 0.9.... 27.8 1931-1960... 0.0... 1.1..... 6.5... 6.3.... 6.8.... 5.4.... 0.9.... 27.0 1941-1970... 0.0... 0.4..... 7.1... 6.8.... 7.5.... 5.8.... 0.7.... 28.2 1951-1980... 0.0... 0.4..... 4.6... 6.7.... 7.8.... 5.0.... 0.3.... 24.8 1961-1990... 0.0... 0.4..... 3.3... 7.6.... 8.4.... 3.3.... 0.4.... 23.5 1971-2000... 0.0... 0.4..... 2.6... 7.3.... 8.0.... 3.6.... 0.5.... 22.3 1981-2010... 0.0... 0.3..... 4.8... 7.1.... 9.2.... 3.9.... 0.6.... 25.9 1991-2020... 0.1... 0.5.... 5.1... 8.7.... 10.1... 5.0.... 0.4.... 29.9 How the larger storms fall by month as below: No. of 10 + inch snows by Month NYC 1…....November 13…..December 16…..January 25…..February 9…....March 2…....April 66…...Total
  14. It’s as ridiculous to use the 70s and 80s as examples as it is to use just the the last 20 years. The 70s and the 80s were the worst decades for snowfall in the city, both averaged 20-21 inches, in the 150 years of recordkeeping. Maybe try the 152 year average in NYC which is 28.8 inches, or you can go with the 30 year average which NOAA calculates for every city and in New York City that average is 30.0 inches. Not much of a difference either way.
  15. But yet somehow even New York City averages 30 inches a year. That average isn’t much different and even higher than many major mid western cities.
  16. Blue wave posted it somewhere yesterday but the last 10 Christmas days have really been horrible temperature wise. It’s a streak that goes against all odds Pretty much the inverse odds of having 10 straight years of Christmas days topping out from 10 to 20° It will be interesting to see if we even qualify as a white Christmas this year with all the rain and melting Christmas Eve night. It will probably come down to the wire.
  17. I believe they were just moved to Banter Hyde, which is where they should be. I didn't even realize we were in Walts Christmas Eve thread until I had posted.
  18. Growing up in the 70's and college in the early 80's I had to endure the horrible disco era when it appeared rock was slowly being suffocated. By 1973 the groups I had loved as a little kid (The Beatles, Stones, Zeppelin, Beach Boys, The Who) pretty much everyone head in the clouds mentioned and then some, were breaking up or burning out. By 1975 we needed new blood and groups started to emerge to carry the torch. I remember in 1975 when I heard Born to Run for the first time, I thought there might be hope on the horizon. AC/DC emerged, lost their lead singer, but got another just as good. Skynrd kept getting better and better, then crashed (literally, tragically). Aerosmith kept it going but there was always the breakups and the drugs. By the late 70's Bruce gained a following then exploded, Boston was promising but couldn't get past that first album, Heart and the Wilson sisters rocked, a little later Tom Petty & THB exploded. Punk bands like The Ramones, The Clash, Patti Smith, and Blondie started to get mainstream play, with the exception of the Ramones who never really got their total due. It's nice that at least the Rock and Roll Hall of fame inducted them in 2002 during their first year of eligibility, but Joey was already dead by then and Dee Dee and Johnny would soon follow. U2 started getting airplay in 1981 and Def Leppard, Van Halen, John Cougar, RUN DMC, Prince and others soon followed. The Stones, The Who, Bowie, Queen, Stevie Winwood started putting out new material again that got airplay, and more importantly MTV play (during the era when they actually played music) and by 1982 Disco was dead. Thank God almighty and thank you to all the bands that refused to let rock die. Rock is dead they say, long live rock Long live rock, I need it every night Long live rock, come on and join the line Long live rock, be it dead or alive
  19. 2.2* 3 degrees colder than anything I recorded last winter
  20. 7.9° at a little past midnight. I don't think I'll make 0° but most likely will surpass last winters low, of 5.1° last February 15th.
  21. Wind, warm, rain, the three snowpack killers all at once. It wouldn't shock me on Christmas Eve if fire rained down from the sky too, just to complete the job.
  22. At this point let's hope it just keeps cutting farther west, and spares us most of the rain. It would be the last 2020 kick in the ass to wipe out this beautiful snowpack on Christmas Eve.
  23. It would be a Christmas miracle, but maybe this is where 2020 finally throws us a bone. Would love it if it happened, it is six days out so who knows, but I won't expect it.
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