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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. Now that had be a rough day for the snow pack in Poughkeepsie.
  2. Not that the comment wasn't bad enough, but if memory serves the story was about a 13 year old girl. Mind boggling, what was he thinking? You can only blame the alcohol to a point.
  3. i have to agree. There's very few storms that cover both extremes with snow. When it rains in SENJ and Montauk I'm happy, but I'm ashamed of my happiness,
  4. That is overkill, 8 months would be fine. A solid October to May winter, followed by Spring in June, a nice July & August summer, and fall in September. Which somewhat describes the high country of the Adirondacks, heaven on Earth.
  5. Well in 4 of the last 6 winters in NYC March has been the snowiest month. I doubt that happens again this year but who knows, one Blizzard of 88 redux and it's 5 of the last 7. BTW from March 2 to April 2 2018 I had 50 inches of snow and snow cover the whole time. Why wouldn't I want that again? I think some of you need to have your snow loving credentials checked.
  6. You and many others on this forum, I’m guessing people in their 40’s because it’s your childhood memories of winter, seem to pick the 1980’s as if they were representative of an average NYC winter. In the 15 decades of record keeping in NYC the 1980’s is last in snowfall, and as anomalous of an average winter as we’ve ever seen. My first memoirs are the 1960’s which were cold and snowy, a great time to be a little kid. A white Christmas was almost a guarantee then especially where I grew up in the HV. Yes the last two decades were a couple of inches, three to be exact, above NYC’s 152 year average of 29 inches. Contrast that to the 1970’s and 1980’s which were the least snowiest decades ever recorded. They were each barely above a 20 inch average, almost 9 inches below the historical norm.
  7. Good point they may have been. I was only half listening as i often do when I have them on. I didn’t even realize this made top ten for a calendar day.
  8. I'm not complaining about the measurement at Central Park just nitpicking. As someone who has followed this for many decades, if this same storm happened while the Central Park Zookeeper was taking measurements this would have come in at 13.5 inches or some ridiculous figure like that, and everyone at the NWS and local mets would have known it was wrong, but they would have logged it, accepted it and reported it as fact. That's why I'm grateful for the Conservancy, they're not perfect but their so much better than what was.
  9. The Jan 31-Feb 3 storm, now with 17.4 inches in Central Park as of 7 am this morning, now ties it for number 16 all time in NYC. It appears it will fall 0.8 inches short of cracking the top 10. In reality it probably did, but after the 16.8 inch report at midnight Feb1 they have only reported 0.6 inches in the last 32 hours? That's probably not correct and all anyone has to do is look at the observations from the last 32 hours to verify. It was probably closer to 2 inches since then at least. WTS the Consevancy still does a much better job than the zookeeper ever did. Oh those horrible under counts from years past. The horror, The horror. Top 20 Snowstorms All Time Central Park in NYC (through 7 AM February 3, 2021) Rank.Amount..Date 1……..27.5…..January 23, 2016 2……..26.9…..February 11-12, 2006 3……..25.8…..December 26-27, 1947 4……..21.0…..March 12-14, 1888 5……..20.9…..February 25-26, 2010 6……..20.2…..January 7-8, 1996 7……..20.0…..December 26-27, 2010 8……..19.8…..February 16-17, 2003 9……..19.0…..January 26-27, 2011 10…..18.1…..March 7-8, 1941 10…..18.1…..January 22-24, 1935 12…..18.0…..December 26, 1872 13…..17.7…..February 5-7, 1978 14…..17.6…..February 11-12, 1983 15…..17.5…..February 4-7, 1920 16…..17.4…..February 3-4, 1961 16....17.4...Jan 31-February 1, 2021 18…..16.0…..December 19-20, 1948 18…..16.0…..February 12-13, 1899 20…..15.3…..February 9-10, 1969 So much incorrect reporting on this storm. TWC one of the worst culprits kept repeating the mantra this is a top 10 storm all time in NYC, which of course leads to the question why do I bother watching TWC. As the above plainly proves, at least record keeping wise it is not. I won't even bother with all of the other incorrect things I heard. Does anyone check facts before reporting anymore? One shot at Boston. Their mayor declared a state of emergency and closed all schools when they were expecting 3-5 inches of snow? You're kidding me right? I believe their final tally was 1.2 inches at midnight last night as most of the storm there it just rained.
  10. Picked up another 0.8 inches last night putting the final tally at 27.9 inches. My snow depth last night was 24 inches and I received almost an inch overnight. My snow depth this morning was 23 inches. Compression still ongoing. In a three day storm like this I actually think some people are being too conservative with their storm totals. IrishRob ringing any bells?
  11. Final storm tally, 27.1 inches in Highland Mills, Orange County NY. 22.8 inches as of midnight the 1st and 4.3 inches since midnight last night. Current snow depth 24 inches. Great storm.
  12. Totally agree. I hate high winds in these things, and was very thankful they never materialized here. The best part is I have two feet of snow and I never once lost power. If the winds were 40-50 I wouldn't be on the internet right now or in a heated house.
  13. I'll start it off with 25 inches here in Highland Mills in Orange County NY, and still snowing lightly, and explain as follows: I have 23.3 inches on the ground right now. I cleared my snow board last night around midnight and received another 2.2 inches last night. When I went to bed last night I had 22.8 inches on my snow board. The NWS says to clear the snow board at the beginning of each day (midnight) and add totals, not every 6 hours which is what the guidelines were several years ago (and should have never been changed IMO). I hope this doesn't eliminate me as a legitimate total. I'm just following the rules.
  14. It's actually the 17th biggest storm of all time. Two storms (numbers 10 & 11 on the list) have the same totals that are above it and are tied and they don't adjust for that. Sloppy and careless reporting and TWC keeps making the same mistake today too. Top 20 Snowstorms All Time Central Park in NYC (through 7 Am February 2, 2021) Rank.Amount..Date 1……..27.5…..January 23, 2016 2……..26.9…..February 11-12, 2006 3……..25.8…..December 26-27, 1947 4……..21.0…..March 12-14, 1888 5……..20.9…..February 25-26, 2010 6……..20.2…..January 7-8, 1996 7……..20.0…..December 26-27, 2010 8……..19.8…..February 16-17, 2003 9……..19.0…..January 26-27, 2011 10…..18.1…..March 7-8, 1941 11…..18.1…..January 22-24, 1935 12…..18.0…..December 26, 1872 13…..17.7…..February 5-7, 1978 14…..17.6…..February 11-12, 1983 15…..17.5…..February 4-7, 1920 16…..17.4…..February 3-4, 1961 17....17.2...Jan 31-February 1, 2021 18…..16.0…..December 19-20, 1948 19…..16.0…..February 12-13, 1899 20…..15.3…..February 9-10, 1969
  15. The Jan 31-Feb 2 storm, with 17.2 inches in Central Park as of 7 am this morning, still stands at number 17 all time in NYC. It will only take another inch though to crack the top 10. Also consider that this is the 17th storm of 17 inches or more in NYC history. In about the same time period in Minneapolis Minnesota (they began their records in the 1880's) they have had only 5 storms above 17 inches. Top 20 Snowstorms All Time Central Park in NYC (through 7 Am February 2, 2021) Rank.Amount..Date 1……..27.5…..January 23, 2016 2……..26.9…..February 11-12, 2006 3……..25.8…..December 26-27, 1947 4……..21.0…..March 12-14, 1888 5……..20.9…..February 25-26, 2010 6……..20.2…..January 7-8, 1996 7……..20.0…..December 26-27, 2010 8……..19.8…..February 16-17, 2003 9……..19.0…..January 26-27, 2011 10…..18.1…..March 7-8, 1941 11…..18.1…..January 22-24, 1935 12…..18.0…..December 26, 1872 13…..17.7…..February 5-7, 1978 14…..17.6…..February 11-12, 1983 15…..17.5…..February 4-7, 1920 16…..17.4…..February 3-4, 1961 17....17.2...Jan 31-February 1, 2021 18…..16.0…..December 19-20, 1948 19…..16.0…..February 12-13, 1899 20…..15.3…..February 9-10, 1969
  16. Todays storm, with 16.8 inches in Central Park as of midnight, has cracked the top 20 at number 17 all time in NYC. The totals if any today will still be added to this storm which should have an excellent shot at cracking the top 10. Top 20 Snowstorms All Time Central Park in NYC (through 7 PM February 1, 2021) Rank.Amount..Date 1……..27.5…..January 23, 2016 2……..26.9…..February 11-12, 2006 3……..25.8…..December 26-27, 1947 4……..21.0…..March 12-14, 1888 5……..20.9…..February 25-26, 2010 6……..20.2…..January 7-8, 1996 7……..20.0…..December 26-27, 2010 8……..19.8…..February 16-17, 2003 9……..19.0…..January 26-27, 2011 10…..18.1…..March 7-8, 1941 11…..18.1…..January 22-24, 1935 12…..18.0…..December 26, 1872 13…..17.7…..February 5-7, 1978 14…..17.6…..February 11-12, 1983 15…..17.5…..February 4-7, 1920 16…..17.4…..February 3-4, 1961 17....16.8...Jan 31-February 1, 2021 18…..16.0…..December 19-20, 1948 19…..16.0…..February 12-13, 1899 20…..15.3…..February 9-10, 1969
  17. Just had on TWC and they showed an overhead shot of Middletown NY and reported they have received 9 inches of snow. You can't make it up.
  18. 22 inches otg as of 10:45. Still snowing but the intensity has backed off the 2-3 inch per hour rates form 8-10:30 2 feet appears to be a lock, next stop 30 inches, why not.
  19. 28+ in Newark and 24+ in LGA and that F'n 20.2 right in between the two in Central Park. It was 25-28 inches easy, there were several periods of accumulating snow after they under measured the 20.2 and they never even bothered to update.
  20. Todays storm, with 15.3 inches in Central Park as of 4:00 PM, has cracked the top 20 at number 20 all time in NYC. It will be interesting how high it climbs up the list tonight. I'm hoping for at least top 10 if not higher. Top 20 Snowstorms All Time Central Park in NYC (through 4 PM February 1, 2021) Rank.Amount..Date 1……..27.5…..January 23, 2016 2……..26.9…..February 11-12, 2006 3……..25.8…..December 26-27, 1947 4……..21.0…..March 12-14, 1888 5……..20.9…..February 25-26, 2010 6……..20.2…..January 7-8, 1996 7……..20.0…..December 26-27, 2010 8……..19.8…..February 16-17, 2003 9……..19.0…..January 26-27, 2011 10…..18.1…..March 7-8, 1941 11…..18.1…..January 22-24, 1935 12…..18.0…..December 26, 1872 13…..17.7…..February 5-7, 1978 14…..17.6…..February 11-12, 1983 15…..17.5…..February 4-7, 1920 16…..17.4…..February 3-4, 1961 17…..16.0…..December 19-20, 1948 18…..16.0…..February 12-13, 1899 19…..15.3…..February 9-10, 1969 20....15.3...Jan 31-February 1, 2021
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