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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. What a bore fest so far up here. The above is meant for all posters to read except Julian. I like when he talks to himself.
  2. I don’t quite get that. My favorite summers are the ones where we barely have any 90 degree days or some I remember where we never hit 90, but 100 degrees? Why? What does that do for anybody ? I can’t think of anything more miserable. As always to each his own but 100 degree days, I’ll pass on that one.
  3. Very true Chris, the odds are probably 1,000-1 this year of March being the snowiest month, at least in NYC, but it would be freaking awesome if somehow it happened.
  4. People have such short memories. This is the last 6 years full data plus this years so far in NYC. The months highlighted in red were the top snowfall months for that season. In Central Park 4 of the last 6 years March was the snowiest month. Last year shouldn't even count, what a nightmare it was for every month except of course that wonderful May event, that's why this year is such a blessing.
  5. 4.8 inches here, 55.3 on the season and 16.5 otg. This month is getting close to March 2018 totals for me.
  6. And you shall remain George001 and not King George as some were ready to coronate you if you were right. Alas I was one of them, hoping you would wear the royal robes tonight.
  7. 4.4 inches in Central Park as of 7:00 PM tonight which should be close to their final total for the storm. 25.6 inches for February now which breaks into the top ten for February at number 8. This is well deserved after last years February became only the fifth in over 150 years of records to record only a trace of snow for the entire month. 38.2 inches for the season or 8.2 inches above their full seasonal normal.
  8. I actually enjoyed that winter more than the winter of 95-96. It was colder, my all time low of -23°, and in Orange County both years were 100+ inches of snow.
  9. They had the same 3.2 inches at 1:00 pm yesterday in the Park so that final at midnight of 3.2 inches is highly questionable. Shocking they would under measure at Central Park
  10. Wow, what a lightweight. To each his own I suppose.
  11. Light snow and 23° officially 2.0 inches since last night and 3.5 inches since yesterday morning. 54.0 inches for the season.
  12. 22° and moderate snow. The last hour I've seen the best snowfall rates and snow growth since this began yesterday morning. From the looks of the radar it won't stay at this rate much longer but it certainly made for an enjoyable cup of coffee. Looks like about 2.0 inches since last night.
  13. 22° with light/moderate snow, about 2 new inches since midnight already surpassing yesterdays totals here. The February that keeps giving. Today is the 33rd day with snow cover here,and 23rd consecutive day with snow cover and 19th straight day with snow cover of a foot or more. The minimum I ask of a winter is 30 consecutive days of snow cover and 50 days or more during the season and it looks like this winter may deliver that.
  14. Kind of like how the zookeeper took official measurements in Central Park for decades. The exception being he would usually times his eyeball number by 4/5ths
  15. 3.2 inches in Central Park as of 1:00 PM. 24.4 inches for February now, which breaks into the top ten for February at number 10. 37.0 inches for the season or 7 inches above the full seasonal normal
  16. Looks like it's pretty much over for wave 1 here. I'm going to call it at 1.5 inches and try to pretend that this never happened and lick my wounds and move on. 52 inches for the season now and 13.5 inches otg so I can't bitch too much.
  17. A snooze fest atm, hoping this picks up in the next hour or two. light snow 22.1°
  18. The radar makes it look like it's snowing in Orange County right now. Nothing hitting the ground that I can see yet.
  19. That May 9-10 1977 snow storm was awesome and so unique. Everything was in bloom in HV and most of the leaves were out on the trees. I never thought I'd see it again, and then May 9-10 2020 happened. Although not to the degree of the 1977 event, but accumulating snow in the middle of the day on May 10 with the temp at 33° at 2:00 pm with heavy snow even if for 15-20 minutes was one of those moments you had to savor. Plus waking up to over an inch on the ground that morning. Amazing the May 10 sun angle didn't seem to affect the accumulations., like it does in late February
  20. NYC received 20.9 inches from the storm. Where I am in Orange County, Highland Mills, I received 35 inches which is my biggest storm of all time, Middletown in Orange County had 30 inches and Monroe also had 35 inches. 40 miles due east of me in Danbury CT I believe they received 7 inches of snow, the rest rain and In most of New England that storm was all rain. One of the few times in my life I was actually ready for the snow to end when it did. It was very wet and heavy, I thought my roof might actually collapse.
  21. Nam has Poughkeepsie area in .5-.6 qpf with temps in lows 20's throughout. That could easily translate to 7-9 inches of snow.
  22. Snowpack was 16 inches at the end of day yesterday, down to an even 12 inches at the end of the day today. I could only guess but I assume the LE is 3-4 inches in that pack, which once it freezes up again the next couple of days should make it very sun resistant. Hoping to add 6-12 Thursday & Friday and have a snowpack through at least mid March or hopefully longer. We shall see.
  23. 36° not to much snow pack damage here, still 14 inches otg, down 2 inches from yesterday.
  24. Temp 32.5° snow pack at 14.5 inches was 16 late yesterday afternoon. So compacting going on with the feezing rain/rain that fell but overall not bad. If I get to tonight with a foot still otg I'll call it a win and hope for a rebuild on Thursday.
  25. You do realize 90 degrees in April in NYC is pretty rare. There have been 12 Aprils in 152 years of record keeping that have had a day of 90 or above in NYC. Since a few of those 12 years had 2 days, or in 1976 & 2002 3 days, there have been 19 days in total in April of 90 degrees of 4,560 total April days in that period. The average is a about every 12 years or so NYC sees a 90 degree day in April so not far from the 11 year cycles you reference.
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