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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. I believe it was Julian that said earlier today that he thought there would be a stripe of almost a foot from Warwick to Pittsfield. That pretty much is in line with what the 12 km name is showing now. And it’s not even the Kuchera.
  2. Last year NYChad snow cover for 25 consecutive days after the February 1 storm. To paint it as a rarity to have snow on the ground for over a week in an entire winter Is just bad information. Granted the three winters before 2020/21 were horrible for snow cover in city. Remember snow cover is also calculated in the Park, most cities don’t keep much snow cover on their sidewalks.
  3. You do realize even way up there in eastern Labrador and all of New Foundland it’s going to be almost all rain. Yeah I’ll pass on that.
  4. The official Central Park measurement for Jan 96 storm was 20.2 inches which makes it even worse. Newark was 28 and LaGuardia 24 yet right in between the two 20.2 Sure it can happen that way but it didn’t, the real total was 24-26 as you stated. Many other examples like this, Boxing Day a similar under measurement. Like I said earlier don’t get me started.
  5. 2.8 inches for this one. 30.7 for the season. Overall a fairly crappy winter.
  6. Didn’t jackpot on this one only 2.8 inches here. Seasonal now 30.7 inches. if nothing happens Saturday or for the next month this winter is a solid D, maybe it can eke out a C- because of the 40+ days of snow cover.
  7. Not sure why you would tally that as 2 inches. Other than your driveway it sounds like you’re in the 3-4 inch range.
  8. It’s no mystery what’s going on here and it has been all season. The NWS has dropped the ball again, as they have so many times in years past, regarding snowfall measurements at Central Park. Look at every event this season and the Park has under measured, or not measured at all, every event. When they had the Conservancy measure the last several years it was better although not perfect. I’m not sure what they’re doing this year but it’s time to start applying pressure again. It’s ridiculous that the largest city in the country can’t measure snowfall with any consistency. I don’t even want to get started on all of the historic storms they have under measured through the decades.
  9. Was just joking Hyde and poking fun at those obsessed with it sticking to the pavement. I have a snow board.
  10. Maybe not, but the monthly’s for April look cold and snowy. Lock it up.
  11. I’ve never understood why people care how much falls on the pavement. There’s nothing better than an early November or April storm that drops 6 inches on the lawn and barely covers the driveway and roads.
  12. The 1991-2020 average, which is the latest published averages, they update them every 30 years, is 29.8 for both central park and Laguardia. Actually Central Parks average is 29.9 when you add up all the individual months and divide, but somehow they couldn't even get that right. The HV averages haven't gone down, I'm in Orange County and I've averaged 53.8 the last 10 years which is about 3-5 inches above the average. It's not that the interior averages have gone down, the coast is starting to lessen the gap. Of course percentage wise a 5 inch jump in average from 25 to 30 is a much bigger jump then say 45 to 50. Will see if the trend continues. The Northeast coast is warming at such a rate I would think a reversal in the snow trends will soon have their day, at least for the coastal areas, say NJ to SE MA. unfortunately. Boston and north on the coast will probably continue to increase until even they hit a certain temperature threshold.
  13. How is 17.5 inches close to a seasonal average of 29.8? Granted that's provided NYC doesn't see any snow in March or April but it doesn't look good for them right now. Also Central Park under measured almost every event this winter. What actually fell in Central Park is around 21 inches, give or take an inch
  14. 38° and bright sunshine and the late February sun is not making a dent in the 2 inches of sleet that fell on Friday. One of the things you have to love about sleet. If I could start off any winter in the first week of December with a good six-inch sleet storm we could have snow cover for 90 consecutive days. And when I say we I mean the Hudson Valley. I know snow cover has become pretty foreign for any length of time in New York City and the coastal plain.
  15. Please call the incompetents measuring in Central Park this year and remind them.
  16. Entering my second consecutive day without snow cover it's 30° and snowing moderately. Hoping that second line lives up to expectations but this is not to shabby. Edit: Snow now heavy at least 1/4 inch so far.
  17. There’s still something about that word that just irritates the hell out of me. It must be that the a hole that so over uses it has made it like hearing nails on a chalkboard, at least for me.
  18. A sad day for all, but I'm calling an end to the consecutive days with snow cover streak today at 41 consecutive days. Maybe 50% coverage right now but by tomorrow it should be just the piles and deep shaded areas. It wasn't an impressive streak for depth or even quality of the snow cover through most of the days but at least it made most of January and the first half of February look like Winter. Add in the slightly below average temperatures for the period which are becoming harder and harder to achieve in our current new winter environment and I can at least say I've had 6 weeks of winter. It's also 2 days since I've blocked Nostranus19 and yet I still see his posts on so many other quotes I'm wondering what the point was. A symbolic gesture at best I suppose.
  19. Before 1993 the last 10 inch plus storm in March in NYC was March 3-4 1960 14.5 inches. There have been 67 storms of 10 inches or more in NYC since records have been kept the last 153 years. Here's the breakdown by month. No. Pct of total 10 + inch snows 1 1.5% November 13 19.4% December 16 23.9% January 26 38.8% February 9 13.4% March 2 3.0% April 67 100.0% Total
  20. It depends what everyone's expectations of warm is. To expect constant 60's in March is so far from the norms it would be unhealthy. Even in NYC the average highs don't reach the mid 60's until late in April.
  21. Or the whole month of March 2018 (43.4 inches with another 6.4 in April) with the March 7 2018 repeat.
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