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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. The 30 year average in NYC is now 29.8 inches which is right about where the 153 year average is, which is 28.8. .
  2. Never has happened here and I hope not in my lifetime. I’ve never quite understood your passion for extreme heat. .
  3. It depends on how far you go back. The 153 year average is 28.8 inches so the 29.8 for the 1991-2020 period is right there. We are in a 50 year period of extremes now. 1971-2000 was the lowest average on record. 2001-2020 one of the highest 20 year averages on record. One thing that is indisputable. The 30 year averages in temperature keep going up and for most of the I95 corridor that will eventually lead to real problems getting consistent and sustainable snow.
  4. Pretty much over. 1.3 inches on snowboard, closer to 2 on grass and 0 on pavement. 1.3 inches goes into the books. Second biggest "storm" of the season, and boosts the seasonal total to 6.1
  5. 32.0 Moderate snow 0.7inches on colder surfaces. .
  6. 31.8° changed to light snow in the last half hour. The tease, torture, harassment, or whatever you want to label it, that is this non-Winter, continues.
  7. 31.8° and rain/freezing rain. Pretty much sums up what so far has been an extended fall.
  8. Woodbury Common is 3-4 miles away, walmart, target, BJ's etc all within 3-4 miles no problem there. The parks, town pool, and lake are outstanding for kids for summer. Plenty of resturants too. Both school systems, Monroe and Cornwall top notch.
  9. A lot has changed. Now we're consistently getting 30's and rain, instead of 40's, which makes this season, formally known as Winter, even more frustrating.Expecting more of the same this Sunday and Wednesday.
  10. As a snow nut I'm going to make your life easy. Move to Highland Mills in Eastern Orange County. You will be in the Cornwall or Monroe school district, you're far enough east to catch the brunt of most major NorEasters and more importantly the elevation of most areas of the town are 550 to 900 feet. Try to avoid the river towns along the Hudson where the elevation is a paltry 150-250 feet, you can get burned in these towns on borderline events. I'm averaging 53 inches per year here, and more importantly the snow sticks around most winters, present winter not included.
  11. A little disappointed here in Highland Mills, 2.6 inches will do it, we usually do a little better in these type setups.
  12. 43°-44° through most of the precip last night. It would be interesting to see what this setup in Mid to Late November could be.
  13. A Saturday of light jacket weather followed by two mornings of mid 40’s. My kind of late June.
  14. Similar story here. Dropped to 34.3 and had some big flakes, rain and sleet for a bit, back to 35.6 now and mostly rain. So close, yet so far.
  15. http://www.barryfurey.com/buscrash.html?fbclid=IwAR2s-v5yCiXON4FQkFkhGbOTFOu9gNFCknrHWqL1wqjOm56QqI2Afe5nD0c If you were a kid from 6 to 18 in any Rockland county school that day you still remember it like it happened yesterday. It was chilling as the news spread throughout school. You couldn’t really believe it happened like you were hearing it. Remember no cell phones, internet or social media of any kind. Just your young mind trying to process what seemed unthinkable.
  16. The bigger question is why bother to go to Maine at all. New England Does such a great winter sell on their climate people seem to forget most of upstate New York gets more snow and it’s colder too in many places, the Adirondacks for one. Also we need to stop referring to New York State as the middle Atlantic, it’s just geographically idiotic.
  17. That is criminal. This seems to happen a lot where you are. Is this something unique to just this season or is the area you live seem to be, for lack of a better description, somewhat of a snow hole in the area?
  18. What were totals like around the area? Maybe I missed people posting them before but I haven’t really seen any. Can’t get outside today but I saw a trained spotter in Monroe post 4 1/2 inches at 1:30 today. It’s only about seven or 8 miles from me so I’m assuming I’m similar and from the looks outside that looks about right.
  19. Back under a heavy band but unless it just sits there won’t be under it for long.
  20. Son of a bitch, You can already see it. Thought we were going to snow heavily till 2 o’clock looks like we have maybe another hour at most, at least where I am. Just the story of this winter. For now 30° and heavy snow. Under the weather today so no official measurements but there has to be at least 3 inches so far.
  21. 32.8 and from the visibility I would call it heavy snow flicks a pretty small though well it’s already covering up everything. Road driveway grass all covered. And it didn’t start snowing till a little after nine. Should be an interesting next four hours
  22. The way the storm is approaching it’s really more of an east west rather north south thing. Eastern Connecticut Massachusetts and all of Rhode Island Pretty much gets shut out from snow.
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