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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. The urging was good. It was about time I did a little work myself regarding these storms.
  2. Never really expected this. The voice of reason, Snowman19, had assured everyone there would be an inch or less below I84. Still can't quite figure out why that guy hates snow so much. Sledding accident as a kid, car accident on snow as an adult? bad skiing accident that left him disfigured? Correct on the HRRR, it nailed this for our area. At Robs urging I actually model watched the last two days instead of just reading comments.
  3. Measured 4.8 inches at 1:30 so I'm sure I'm over 5 now. 29° with heavy snow, the changeover line is sitting right at my door.
  4. Just went out for final measurement of the night. I'm now about 10 miles north of the changeover line so it was now or never. 29° with heavy snow, 4.8 inches so far, looks like I will make 5 and a little over. The HRRR nailed this , at least so far, for my location Highland Mills in Orange County NY
  5. Just went out for final measurement of the night. I'm now about 10 miles north of the changeover line so it was now or never. 29° with heavy snow, 4.8 inches so far, looks like I will make 5 and a little over. The HRRR nailed this , at least so far, for my location Highland Mills in Orange County
  6. 22° moderate/heavy snow 1.8 inches so far, Highland Mills in the HV, 55 miles NNW of NYC
  7. 22° moderate/heavy snow 1.8 inches so far in Highland Mills
  8. 1.8 inches new snow, 22° and moderate/heavy snow in Highland Mills, Orange County NY If I can squeak 5 inches out of this before the dreaded change to sleet/freezing rain I'd consider it a huge win.
  9. Got to -1° this morning, thank God the two year 11 month streak, for me anyway, is over.
  10. Does anyone else get frost quakes in their yard during these cold nights? We get them every winter, very loud on the coldest nights, like last night. From what I've read about them they're nothing to be concerned about, but one of these mornings I'm expecting to see a crater in my backyard. Any insight would be appreciated if anyone has experienced them.
  11. 4° right now, I would hope I go below zero by morning to at least end my three year streak without a sub zero reading. SInce tomorrow night looks like a disaster snow wise, still hoping to walk away from this with 4 inches net, I'd at least like that.
  12. I'd be shocked if I ended up with 3-6 out of this mess. Pleasantly shocked though. I still can't wrap my ahead around this ending up with the heaviest snow in Northeastern Ohio. Maybe now I have seen it all.
  13. 2° this morning, sub zero tonight, snow to rain tomorrow night. You can't make this sh!t up.
  14. 2° this morning, expecting sub zero tonight and rain tomorrow night. Sometimes everything has to go right for it to snow. This is a textbook case of everything having to go wrong for it not to snow.
  15. Always Rob. Why look at models, most of which I don’t have access to, when I can read the tones of personal conversations and pretty much know what the models say. it works for me.
  16. The last two hours of conversation, entertaining as it is, says it all regarding the 18Z runs. I don’t even have to look.
  17. Yeah I agree. I'm looking more for 2-3 followed rather quickly by sleet, freezing rain, eventually rain and then hopefully a nice prolonged dry slot. If I end up with 6 inches of snow as the NWS map now has me for I will be shocked but pleased. I'd place the odds at 6 plus at 20% right now.
  18. The same dynamics are everywhere. If you end up on the east side of the storm you get rain. BTW most Midwestern cities average less snow per season than NYC. Even Chicago only averages 7 inches more per season than NYC. Hardly worth moving for. I lived in Madison for several years. Cold and boring weather.
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