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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. It's 10° here right now, and Legoland 10 miles to my west is 16°? They're doing something wrong.
  2. -2° for the morning low. Parts of Northern Orange County -10° to -15°
  3. -2 for the morning low. Julian pretty much nailed it. It doesn’t seem like my neighborhood nails the cold like it use to, it use to be one of those spots that would come in coldest in the area but I’ve noticed that change during the last several years. Not quite sure why.
  4. Also of note regarding February1934, the average temperature that month in NYC was 19.9°. Throw on top of that 27.9 inches of snow that fell that month and it's a winter lovers fantasy, come true. It remains and probably always will, the coldest month recorded in NYC since official records (1870) have been kept. 1.8° colder than the second coldest month ever January 1918's 21.7° average.
  5. Well I know you must be kidding because yesterday snowman19 guaranteed a torch beginning February 1, like has never been seen before and it would last through March and pretty much wipe out the rest of winter. It's not like him to make predictions like that unless they're a sure thing. I actually took out all my spring clothes last night even though it's going to -5° here tomorrow morning. Other than his call in December for a torch in January and the virtual end of winter he's never steered me wrong.
  6. Sitting at 12° at 1:00 I would think with a solid snow pack right now, calm winds and clear skies tonight, there should be plenty of sub zero readings in the HV. Dare I say some in the area take a run at -10°? I'm guessing -5° for tomorrow morning where I am. @Juliancoltonis usually pretty good at calling these nighttime lows. Your thoughts Julian when you have a chance.
  7. Exactly, people have grown so soft. It's seem like one big winter storm is everyone's ideal winter now. It can be mild the rest of the winter and no one seems to care.
  8. Yep same here, 16 inches of snow. We lost a big apple tree in the back from that one. My wife always hated that tree and wanted to take it down and of course she got her wish.
  9. You could say the same about the decades of the 1970’s 1980’s and 1990’s. They were anomalously low. They were actually the three least snowiest decades of all the decades since 1870. It all depends on your perspective.
  10. The 30 year average for the park and la guardia are both 29.8 inches. Actually Central Parks is 29.9 when you add it all up but NOAA posted it as 29.8. Either way it rounds to 30.
  11. Although I only have 12.5 inches on the season which is disappointingly below average for this point in time, I've had a solid snow cover since January 7th which weighs as much into my enjoying winter as the actual snowfall. One blockbuster snowstorm, ala Jan2016, in the middle of a horrendous winter and that melted in most places that it hit within a week is not my idea of winter. To each his own.
  12. NYC's average is 30 inches per season. You're maybe going a little to far in the other direction. But the warming winters do make it tough for the urban areas to keep a snowpack when they get it, and that to me is the more disturbing part.
  13. 1.5 inches total, Highland Mills Orange County. Solid snow cover since January 7th. Is that piling on?
  14. Rob: I only have accurate, what I would call precision measurements, since 2011/2012. For the 10 seasons since then through 2020/21 I've averaged 53.8 inches per season. From memory and observations of 2001/02 through 2010/11 I would guess those 10 seasons averaged out pretty similar. Some epic winters in there and a few real stinkers. Either 2002/03, 2009/10 or 2010/11 were at or near 100 inches for the season. I'm thinking it was 2002/03.
  15. Well of course the first thing that sticks out on the Montgomery totals is how can October be zero? The October 29, 2011 storm saw a pretty uniform 12-18 inches across Orange County. Let's use 15 inches as their total for that date and if it never snowed in October in any other year the October average would be 0.5 inches for the 30 year average 1991-2020. There have also been other minor events in October over that time, so there goes the Montgomery accuracy. Unless the data you posted was 1981-2010 averages, even then like you say they seem low.
  16. Done at 1.5 inches. I think I'm the region wide winner on this one.
  17. 30° and 1.5 inches new snow, and down to light snow. That should about do it accumulation wise. Nice freshener for the snowpack.
  18. 31° and moderate snow continues. 1 inch of new snow, may get 2 out of this after all. HRRR again has been pretty good with this over my area (Eastern Orange County).
  19. 31° moderate snow, maybe .5 inch new snow on streets and driveway, pleasantly surprised.
  20. Thanks for those, interesting. For the area of Orange County it details, it’s anywhere from 40-55 inches, which is about what I’ve always gone with. Highalnd mills where I am I always estimated the average to be around 50 inches although in the last decade from my own measurements somewhat higher than that.
  21. I'm at 11.0 even right now. It's hard to find any reliable sights in the HV with good historical snowfall averages. Poughkeepsie hasn't done snowfall totals for years but when they did they were atrocious, even worse than Central Park was at measuring. It seemed like anything less than 3 inches they didn't bother to measure many years. I guess that's one of the reasons they sopped them measuring. Finally someone at NWS realized the data was bad.
  22. I love a snowpack like this. Very tough for the normal January to even make a dent in it.
  23. From the headline change from last night can we now assume any threat of an analfront for Thursday is now behind us?
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