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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. That explains why snywx who I believe is only a couple of miles from you seems to do bette snow wise. I believe he's at 850 feet. It can make a noticeable difference as we all know.
  2. At this stage (5 miles west of the river, 600ft asl) anything less than 6 will be a disappointment, expectations are for 8-10, anything over 10 is gravy.
  3. The record is kind of a joke anyway since LGA and JFK both have had 1.0 in that time frame, and so has the Park, they just haven't recorded it, the 0.9 the perfect example. I'm sure whoever is not doing their job measuring today and tomorrow at the Park will insure the record stays intact. It's a 150+ year track record of ineptness that they wear proudly.
  4. I think we'll do fine up here. SNE coast will be a shit shoe and Boston will probably mix. Why do people always congratulate Boston three days before a storm? This happened all last winter and they barely ended up with 10 inches of snow. Last winter sucked but we (Orange County) at least broke 24 inches for the winter.
  5. And to anyone that has followed this storm with realistic expectations that should be a shock to no one. Unfortunately many people like to believe they will be in the jackpot no matter what the guidance tells them. Clown maps are the biggest purveyor of this thinking.
  6. I read the main thread less and less other than Walt's write ups and the moderator post. I get a lot more pertinent information for our area reading the New England Forum posts than most NYC metro posts.
  7. You paint an ugly picture, but you may not be far off. Hopefully things dry out a lot between now and next weekend.
  8. This kind of answered my question but I'd like clarification please. I booked a room in Lake George NY for April 7-9, so I'll be less than an hour from the south edge of the path of totality. If I only drive to the southern edge is the 100% totality just seconds long then as opposed to right in the center where it will be 3-4 minutes?
  9. What college? It's not often you hear of others on crew teams in college. I was on crew at the University of Wisconsin. Grueling sport, the football coach would send players he wanted to punish to workout with us. A different era, if a coach did that now the kid would probably enter the transfer portal the next day and the coach might get reprimanded for invading the kids safe space. No weather to speak of. Nice to have that opening to talk about anything but weather.
  10. As a former seven year resident of New Windsor that moved 30 years ago to highland mills, I can certainly verify that as fact. The best 8 mile move I could have made snow wise. Just wish at the time I had the foresight to purchase a north facing front lawn.
  11. Hellooooooooo!!!!!!! Is anyone here? Three days without comments? Is this hangover from the non winter of 22/23 or disgust with the beginning of the Winter, and I use the term loosely now just to reference a season that once existed, of 23!24? low of 27 this morning already near freezing. The average low this day is 20. I haven't seen that yet this season.
  12. 31 at 5 am in highland mills eastern Orange County.
  13. 31 at 5am. Latest sub freezing in awhile. I’ll have to look back into the records when I wake up. I seem to remember one in the May 20-25 time frame in the early 2000’s.
  14. FDU beats Purdue . Never thought it would actually happen right to the end. Wow.
  15. Yes Binghamton actually set their all time record from one storm in that event. I believe it was 40.0 inches even.
  16. It is amazing what a March sun and a 38 degree day will do to what was yesterday a 10 inch, albeit briefly, snowpack. Started this morning with 9 inches otg and was about 5 by sunset. The same temperature in mid December or early January we would barely lose an inch of that. Just another reason I prefer December snow over Mid and late March.
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