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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. I get you guys on the coast have had it the worst but 45 miles NNW of NYC I had 14 inches in January as did most north and west of me. And yes it's still a horrible winter although January was a C- it would have been a B if it wasn't so damn mild which seems to be the new norm.
  2. Where in Georgia? My parents, one sibling and oldest son are in Alpharetta, Canton and Jasper all north of Atlanta. Beautiful area.
  3. If you remember several years ago in 2012, Chicago had a run of ten days in a row over 80 in mid March. It really messed with their flowering trees. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/warmest-march-on-record-2012-record-temperatures-80s/
  4. Why is it that everyone in New York always seems to look to New England as the snow paradise when we have the entire Adirondack region with higher peaks, cold as or colder winters and as much snow if not more so? Not a skier so curious why that seems to be the case.
  5. It has been one of the main culprits of our recent lousy winters. Wish we could drain it like a swimming pool.
  6. As the saying goes even a broken clock is right twice a day. Keep saying the same thing and eventually they'll be right.
  7. The big change always at least 15 days away, so when they're wrong people will have forgotten and if by chance he's right, will never hear the end of it.
  8. Got 0.7 inches overnight mostly this morning when nothing showed on radar. Anyone else get that? Usually don't se a prolonged period of moderate snow with nothing on the radar.
  9. Did get to 9 one morning here and I'm only 50 miles north of midtown. With last nights 0.7 inches I now have 14.5 inches on the season most of it from the January 7 storm With that said Overall this winter blows, again.
  10. 0.7 inches of snow overnight bringing the storm total to 0.7 inches. Better than nothing and at a least it's semi white outside. 14.5 inches for the month so overall not bad except for the usual +3 temperatures for the month.
  11. I never said it would have any effect on snowfall one way or the other. If you're just in it for above average snowfall with above average temperatures we've had several in the 2001-2023 period. I happen to enjoy winters with sustained snow cover and that's almost non existent along the coast and becoming less frequent even 50 miles north of NYC where I reside. That's my frustration with our new climate.
  12. Exactly. Add in month after month of plus 5 vs the new inflated averages of 1991-2020. Take these months we're having against the averages from 1951-1980 and they're plus 7'a and 8's.
  13. D.C. area has been snowless for a decade. Yes they had a few minor to moderate events in January but it was also 80 degrees there a coupe of days ago. The 7.8 inches they've had so far this season is also double their normal year to date. Other than the oddball event that will pop up every several years there, they are basically Norfolk now, while NYC becomes them and Boston becomes NYC. It's an ever progressing line and sustained winters will be fewer and far between.
  14. Lighter precip back up to 34.2 with just light rain. This thing sucks but didn't expect anything anyway, have to admit was hoping for a miracle in the back of my mind.
  15. 33.8 mixed rain and snow for a solid hour now, it can't decide which to do. SENY I'm at 600 feet elevation. Anyone above 800 feet with the lower temp right now should do OK once this batch gets to you.
  16. 34.2 and a 50/50 mix of rain and snow. So much precip already wasted. So close and so far.
  17. 34.3, what was mixed rain snow briefly all rain from highland mills NY. 600 msl, 30 miles west of Danbury. I don't think I'll be adding anything to the 13.5 I have for the season. The nightmare continues.
  18. Expecting everything tomorrow. Snowfall wise anything more than 2 inches would be a very pleasant surprise provided it's not washed away at some point.
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