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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. Thanks that did the trick. It’s nice to see maps and reaction emojis again. Just wish there was something to follow weather wise.
  2. To prevent that I will try to stay pessimistic.
  3. Is there anyway to give any reactions other than a like on Tapatalk ? I hate Tapatalk on the iPhone but haven’t been able to use safari for the forum. Is it no longer possible to access the forum on iPhone’s on Safari? .
  4. Thanks for this Chris. So I’m assuming the -26 low in Sussex during the January 1994 outbreak became the lowest officially recognized low in NJ during this time frame. What I was referencing was my memory of a -32 reading in NW Jersey during January 1994, which is mentioned in the article below. It was in a town called Hainesville in Sussex. I’m assuming now that reading was never officially recognized by the NWS. https://www.njherald.com/story/news/2014/01/22/county-s-coldest-day-came/4017599007/ .
  5. Some town in northwest jersey hit either -32 or -34 during that 1994 outbreak. I can’t remember if it was Sparta? It either set the state record or tied it. Throw that into all of the -20 in parts of the lower and mid Hudson valley. That was Definitely the most impressive in these parts since January 1961. .
  6. It was also due north, northwest of NYC. If you check those mornings, Newburgh was -18, Poughkeepsie was -19, I was -23 in Orange County Highland Mills, still the coldest temperature I've ever been outside in my lifetime anywhere. I didn't check but I remember Albany being around -26?
  7. -3, Highland Mills Orange County. It is odd to see the core east of us, I can’t really recall that happening. Boston at -8 is one of the few times I ever remember them bottoming lower than me. Adirondack towns all pushing -30 right now. Lake Placid, Saranac Lake and Old Forge all -28 to -26 right now. Saw a -84 wind chill at Whiteface. .
  8. Yes, too bad the roles couldn't have been reversed.
  9. It will not be -13 in Boston, there's forecasts and then there's reality. The average tempertaures in Boston during winter are higher than most of the HV 40 miles north and northwest of NYC. If you're comparing Central New England to NYC then yes there's no comparison, a different world as you say.
  10. When there's no post since Tuesday you know we are in the middle of what is so far an all time stinker of a winter. We can't even seem to get the one cold day right. Looks like we may not even go below zero tomorrow night. As I do get older though the cold without snow on the ground, or better yet falling from the sky, is starting to seem more and more superfluous. I added that just so I could use the word superfluous.
  11. Depressing, but numbers don’t lie. .
  12. Every single day of the month above normal, and most days way above normal. That’s another this has never happened before in 153 years of records. Hope we never see this again but I’m suspecting we will again in the not too distant future. Today will make it 35 consecutive days above normal. What can you say, this makes the late 90’s look awesome in comparison. .
  13. If you take the bus from Woodbury Common in Central Valley or any of the Park and rides in Harriman or Monroe it gets you to the Port Authority 42nd and 8th in an hour during rush hour. I use to do it all the time. Until the 7.6 inches that is this winter so far, my worst winter up here has been 23.4, I've averaged 53 inches a year in the last 20 years I've been keeping records. Have had several seasons near or above 100, 93/94 95/96 and 2002/03 If you can look for elevation 500 feet and above, which is easy to do in Orange County as long as you avoid the towns right on the river. Don't buy south facing property if you want your front yard to retain snow pack for the maximum amount of days. All essentials for any snow weenie. You won't regret it.
  14. Go back two years on this date and snow began that night which ended on the second with 17.4 inches in Central Park. I recorded 27.4 in Orange County, Highland Mills, during that late Jan 31- early morning Feb 3rd with maximum depth of 23.5. Oh to go back in time.
  15. 0.3 inches total even though it looks like more, the ruler never lies. 7.6 now for the season. In hindsight last year is looking better and better
  16. Snow pretty much over, 0.3 inches total, a huge over performer. 7.6 inches now for the season, look out double digits we're coming for you.
  17. Central Park had 17.4 from that storm which ties it for 16th on the all time list. You have to get over 18.1 inches now to break into the top ten in NYC. I received 27 from that up in Orange County. Great storm hard to believe only two years ago considering what we’re dealing with this year. .
  18. Provided Central Park decides to measure. Something they are notoriously horrible at. During significant snowfalls they usually come in low, and under one inch events which they sometimes don’t even bother with. Because of the Significance of getting a 10th of an inch of snow to end the streak I would hope they would be more conscious Wednesday should anything fall.
  19. To strong is nice if you want to take a chance on one large event happening that will most likely melt within a week, quicker in urban areas, if it does happen. Sandwich that between temperatures way above normal for the duration of winter. It’s personal choice but that’s far from my idea of winter. A srong El Niño you can have it, I’ll pass every time. .
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