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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. Right about the table top wrong about how often. Measurements are suppose to be taken immediately after the event is done so compression and melting do not take place and an accurate measurement of the maximum depth of the snow during the event can be assured. This is something they never do at Central Park. That's why they come in low through almost every event. It's pathetic but they rarely address it. The storm four days ago a text book case in point.
  2. 2.1 inch final here, now 29.3 through the season. Snowfall at least near normal now for this point in the season, temperatures still ridiculously above normal.
  3. 2.0 inches even here, not expected. 28° light snow about to end. 29.2 inches for the season now, virtually all since January 7th, 18 days of snow cover and all with temps running 5-7 degrees above normal. It makes this period a B+ but the overall winter is a C-, despite what is now about average snowfall through this date.
  4. Well, If i had the whole day, I could give you several hundred examples of how badly Central Park has under measured snow throughout their history, you are aware that for many years the zookeeper in Central Park took the measurements, but lets just look at yesterday as the latest example. Local CBS MET Lonnie Quinn went to measure for himself, after getting tired of waiting for the usual delays from the NWS in trying to get someone off their ass and trek out to measure. I'm sure after at least some compacting he measured 3.9. THE Park officially measured 3.2. many would say what's the big deal, and it wouldn't be except it happens constantly and it's usually worse in the big events.
  5. Lonnie Quinn got sick of the usual Central Park BS under measurements and went to measure himself today. He measured 3.9 inches and that was most likely after some compacting.
  6. Lonnie Quinn went out to Central Park himself today to measure, and he measured 3.9 inches after he tired of waiting for the Parks official guesstimate. I'm sure Lonnie measured after some compacting took place, but it was still much higher than the usual low ball 3.2 number the Park threw out there today. Is it a big deal? When it happens once no, but it's been an on again off again problem for decades. Local Mets that have been here long enough all know and even joke about it, nice job by Lonnie going out to do what they can't seem to get straight themselves. @the_other_guy
  7. Nope totally wrong, and I have a long history with them regarding this.
  8. Probably closer to 4-4.5. The reason we care is they have been doing this for decades. Not every time, but the majority of the time, and they're especially bad on most of the big ones. The only period I've ever seen decent accurate measurements was when they had the Conservatory taking the measurements for several years in the 2010's. Why they stopped that I'd love to know.
  9. 12.7 here for my final. Most of Orange County NY was around a foot.
  10. I'm not there so I can't definitely say, but I know from decades of battle and observing their often times ridiculous measurements, this one may be a tad low too, just like many others they have shoved down our throats through the years.
  11. They are waiting for it to compact and for the melting to begin, the usual.
  12. Some events I think they step on it, and then measure where they stepped.
  13. 12.7 inches for the final. To call it an over performer would not do it justice, to call the models performance through the whole ordeal pathetic, would be kind.
  14. I'll call it done here too. Flurries and 30.2° 12.7 inches for the final tally, Highland Mills, Orange County NY The Euro should be embarrassed, a lot of other models too.
  15. 10.5 inches, 2.5 the last hour. heavy snow but not quite the intensity of the last hour. Still hoping to make 12.
  16. 10.5 inches as of 9:15, 2.5 inches the last hour. Intensity down a bit but still snowing heavily, 28.9°
  17. No offense intended, but go back to Delaware. 10.5 inches otg as of 9:15 am.
  18. 9.5 inches as of 8:45, 28.9° and heaviest snow of the day right now. Double digits a lock, a foot seems likely, already places in Orange County at a foot or over.
  19. 8 inches even and counting as of 8:10 am. 29° and the snow continues. If the radar holds up 10 inches seems like a lock and a foot not out of the question. I honestly can't remember the last time I went to bed at midnight accepting the fate the models had bestowed upon my area for 1-2 inches of snow and woke up to a total model breakdown. I'd much rather have this than the reverse.
  20. 3 miles west of Middletown NY already has over 8 inches and that's right on I-84. The models last night had that area less than an inch, my area 12 miles south of I84 is approaching 6.5 inches. I was modeled for 2 last night. I think last nights overdone push to the south is the bigger fail of the models for this area.
  21. Didn't we learn anything from yesterday? F the models, trust your eyes. 6.2 inches otg here and snow continues. Last nights runs had me struggling to get an inch.
  22. 6.2 inches otg as of 7:00 am, 1 inch in the last 40 minutes, ridic. 29.7° and the snow, that wasn't suppose to happen according to last nights models, continues.
  23. 5.1 inches here as of 6:20 Plow coming around for his second run.
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