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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. I went from Saratoga Monday morning to Westport NY on the shores of Lake Champlain 35 miles south of Plattsburgh. Was a last minute decision rather than go to Plattsburgh for an extra minute of totality and I couldn't have made a better one. It only took an hour 40 minutes to drive the 90 miles that morning. I left at 8:30 which helped. The town was well prepared. The local country club had free viewing from their golf course. A few cirrus clouds in the afternoon that had zero effect on eclipse viewing. An A+ experience. The drive back to Saratoga Springs at 4:30 a little rougher. Three hours for 90 mile drive but compared to what others on the back roads of Vermont went through not terrible either.
  2. In Saratoga Springs headed to Plattsburgh or Lake placid? Give me some advice please Don. To late for Maine.
  3. In Saratoga Springs for the night and headed for Plattsburgh or Lake Placid around 7:00. In the 20's here right now but weather seems to be cooperating for this afternoon. Will report on weather conditions up here as we get closer to countdown.
  4. I was thinking the same. This one felt a lot stronger than that one.
  5. Definitely an earthquake. I'm in Orange County NY 50 miles north of city and never felt anything like that before.
  6. You do know you need to see somebody about this heat fetish thing right ?
  7. Probably about right. Had a 1.5 inches at 6 am. Been snowing steadily again since 7:30 but no additional accumulations. Temperature at 32 so pretty much just evening out between melting and compression
  8. One last batch of light snow, 32 degrees. Reminds me of the old days pre 2020.
  9. Woke up to sound of the plow and snow covered lawn. Somewhat surprised.
  10. 1.4 inches of snow here. Somewhat unexpected this morning. Plow actually woke me up at 6 am. I was stuck at 29.3 inches for the season for so long I gave up any hope of reaching 30. Now that that's accomplished I can officially give this Winter the D- it so rightfully deserves.
  11. Or almost anywhere in the vast north country of New York, which is where I'll be.
  12. I know the area 50 miles or more north of the city doesn't really exist to most on this forum, but I've heard April snows are fairly common there. Looks like Wednesday night has a shot.
  13. Syracuse is Central New York, almost the geographical center of NY. I actually laugh when people refer to Orange County where I live as upstate NY. If so what do we call the 300 miles of NY state north of where I live?
  14. Can't believe it took this forum this long to make an eclipse thread. New England forum has had one for months. I booked the 7th and 8th in Saratoga Springs. The morning of the 8th I'll head wherever the weather looks best in the area of totality. Saratoga Springs is about an hours drive from the edge of totality path, two hours from the center. Hoping there's somewhere in NYS within 2-3 hour drive from there with decent weather. Im just hoping the roads aren't ridiculous like the hotel prices. Even three months ago when I booked in Saratoga everything in Lake Placid and Plattsburgh was already $450 a night and up if you could find a room.
  15. I'll be in Saratoga Springs NY, the morning of the 8th and have three options all two hours or less drive time away. Plattsburgh, Tupper Lake or Lake placid? I'm thinking Plattsburgh will have a better shot at less cloud cover than the two towns in the middle of the Adirondacks, everything else being equal that day. Interested in any opinions of which place would have the best odds for better viewing?
  16. If you changed the last two words of your statement to measure snow, you would be right on target. I hate to keep beating a dead horse but in this case it's that simple, there are years they get it right, but more often than not they don't. The last three years they have been abysmal again. They go through periods where they don't seem to care that much about getting snowfall totals correct in the Park. I won't bore you with all of the reason again.
  17. Let's not forget the obvious, the Park has been worse than usual this year in measuring. Just look at the LE of every 1 inch or above snowfall vs the nearby airports EWR and LGA. Central parks ratios are 50% lower because they keep measuring well after compression and melting is taking place. Just compare the three calendar days in January and February that the closest reporting stations to Central Park have seen over an inch of snow and this is what you get. NYC 6.5 inches snow 1.23 inches liquid ratio 5.3 LGA 8.6 inches snow 1.19 inches liquid ratio 7.2 EWR 10.8 inches snow 1.15 inches liquid ratio 9.4 It's not a perfect science but if we're conservative and apply an 8.0 ratio to NYC, in between LGA and EWR ratios but closer to LGAs, their snowfall for those three days increases to 9.8 from 6.5 which from all accounts is much closer to what actually fell those calendar days. The 3.3 extra inches would make their seasonal total 10.8 right now which is actually in all likelihood their true total so far this season. It's an old story and never seems to change.
  18. If what you say about a latitude inland based winter that season is true than it would make sense that LGA would be even lower than NYC yet it's 5 inches higher that season. Central Parks latitude 40.7826N is a actually north of Newark 40.6895N and the same as LGA 40.7733N . They are 5 air miles from LGA and 10 from Newark at similar elevations. Snowfall amounts will vary even in such short distances but over an active season they will usually even out as 95-96 showed, there is less than a 3 inch difference between the three from highest to lowest. You can believe what you want but 93-94 they did not do a good job, there were several under measurements. They are usually an inch or two but do that on several events and that' how you end up with 53.4 when actually closer to 60 fell. Forget about JFK when using comparisons to the Park, they are not similar at all, and JFK actually does a nice job measuring as most of the airports do regarding snowfall. The benefit of course for the airports is having someone on site to actually measure before snow melts and compresses. That is by far the biggest problem with the PARK measurements, and continues to be. Taking measurements as they often do 4-5 hours after snow ends will always be a low measurement no matter where you take it. Until they fix that simple thing it's never going to change.
  19. No as I stated 93-94 they were low on their measurements on several events. Central Park was not in line with the 2 airports it lies in between. Newark was 64.5 inches that season, LGA was 58.5, Central Park was noticeably lower than both at 53.4. Their real total there that season was closer to 60. 95-96 they were on top of their game and all three reporting stations were very much in line. If they didn't blow it on the January blizzard NYC would have been close to 80. Newark was 78.4, LGA 77.9 and NYC 75.6
  20. 1993-1994 they did a poor job measuring at the park. 1995-96 was much better except of course as you mentioned the January Blizzard. The 20.2 they reported at Central Park was under measured by 4-5 inches minimum.
  21. Same here regarding grading, I'm at 29.3 inches for the season which is only a couple inches shy of normal to this point in the season and this Winter is a solid D right now. Temperatures 5-7 degrees above our inflated new normals. Snow cover days way below normal, no below zero days and more amazingly one single digit all season, 0 snow in December. Actually make it a D- so far.
  22. It's always bothered me that they list Dulles airport as Washington DC on these lists. Dulles is 27 miles from Washington DC and well entrenched in Virginia. With that logic Why not list white plains HPN as NYC. At least they're in the same state and closer to each other.
  23. 1891-1920 was the last time, 32.2 inches 1901-1930 was close, the same 29.8 inches as now. Of course that time period was much colder, the snow actually hung around in the city.
  24. Not as big as you might think. This decade, as lousy as it's been so far, will be replacing 1991-2000 which only averaged 25.3 inches. The current 30 year average, 1991-2020, in the Park is 29.8. Replace that 25.3 with a 26 average 2021-2030 and their over 30 inches for average in 2001-2030. There's a long way to go. Of course it would help a lot if they could ever get their sh!t together at the NWS regarding measurements at the Park. It's a long history of under measuring as most of us know, but the last 3-4 years has been especially horrendous.
  25. 2.1 inches here for the event about as expected. 29.3 inches for the season, right about normal for this date, but certainly not normal the way we've gotten there. So far a Top 5, maybe even Top 3, warmest Winter. At least I've now exceeded the 28.8 from last years miserable winter.
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