Yea the 850 push was not as strong as this run. Looked only a little north of I84 at its warmest point, if it pans out like this I think this could be mostly snow/sleet inland. I also think happening overnight keeps everyone colder, could be a Snow/Sleet to ZR event even for the immediate suburbs
If there is no initial precip I think it's an all rain event for the city. Maybe 32 degree ZR for Bronx/Upper Manhattan at the start but you won't see much icing until inland. The city needs that initial push to come through, it would also help knock down temps to get that initial burst.
This area is really dependent on the initial push, the RGEM for example has it making it to our area, some models don't. That would be your snow producer, anything after that would likely be rain coast/ice inland.
If I were to guess I'd say 287 will be the dividing line between a cold soaking rain and disruptive icing. I know that's not a big statement but in this storm the freezing line doesn't seem to move much at all the entire time and thats usually where the freezing line sets up.
The icing threat NW of the city will be the big story, however as usual the city and immediate surrounding areas should warm enough for cold rain after the initial snow/sleet
Next weeks storm looks like another non event for the coast, brief mix or snow to rain. Again an interesting storm inland but seems more icy than snowy. Yes I know it can change but this seems to be the pattern so far this year.
Maybe congrats Jersey coast and LI with this one if theres enough precip, I said I was always more worried about supression than too far NW. The city will probably see an inch at most.
Looks like maybe a few hours of moderate snow with temps at or above freezing, seems similar to the last event. Without heavy rates I don't see this doing much.
Yep at the coast especially you need crazy dynamics to go from 60 to a big snowstorm. Nobodies calling for a big storm though, a few inches is a reasonable expectation with this.
I'm probably a little more worried about suppression than too far north with this. Either way temps very marginal but think if the precip is heavy enough it will stick.