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Everything posted by HVSnowLover

  1. Nice to have one model wound up and a hit with everything else ots
  2. Finally snowing here for the first time since this morning
  3. Still close but now it’s getting close enough timeframe from right where want it to we need to see a west trend
  4. Yes climo nw of I287 is drastically different but it’s not that far from nyc
  5. Round 2 has been all rain in southeast yonkers
  6. 35 degree rain, yuck colder than modeled at the surface, if this was better rates I think it'd be snowing closer to the city.
  7. Yea closer to Riverdale/Yonkers side. The sleet/snow was short lived here too. It’s a light mix now.
  8. Seems like batch one on and out quick or maybe it changed to light rain and that’s why it doesn’t seem it’s doing anything outside just as I say that now I hear pingling
  9. Mainly sleet now, didn’t even think sleet would be a precip type with this storm
  10. I’m right by Bronx border and westchester and it’s all frozen in the sky, coating on car tops but otherwise wet on the ground
  11. Friday/Saturday event looks marginal if it happens so yes wet snow. Afterwards the pattern really looks to turn cold.
  12. Don’t need perfect setups in January for snow but as we saw last winter and are now seeing this winter it really is about threading needle or else it’s rainstorms and slop storms galore south of I84 in a warm January. Not necessarily boring pattern but not going to lead much accumulating snow.
  13. Yea that’s why I’m going by overall feeling based on past storms as opposed to models. Every storm like this is junk for anyone near the coast. Near the coast it needs to be below freezing at the start of the storm or need heavy rates to overcome garbage boundary. This storm won’t have either.
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