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Everything posted by HVSnowLover

  1. Not sure which thread to put this in but since it starts on the 13th Ill put it here but Euro is more amped and juicy for the weekend storm but does change a lot of our area to ice after some front end snow.
  2. Its amazing how even Mother nature has been this week lol, The Sunday storm hit the areas this storm will hit and yesterdays storm hit the areas to the north
  3. It's okay on Tuesday upton called for 1-3 inches and I got nothing so now they can call for nothing and I can get 1-3 inches
  4. The trend this winter has been for snow to generally make it further north than modeled or at least for their to be a band near the northern extent of the precip so I wouldn't be suprised if this overperforms somewhere near or in NYC
  5. looks very icy for all nw suburbs but we know this will change, there is a big storm signal for mid next week which is all that matters for now
  6. lot of different threats, would think one of them would work out
  7. Hope Euro bumps north and comes on board, after todays bust I want to make up the 1-2 inches lol
  8. Yea pretty much every storm has bumped north in the 48-72 hour range this winter so wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the two waves bumps north
  9. For your area maybe but definitely it was a bust for some. i was predicted to get 1-3 inches and did not see one flake today, i actually can't remember this bad of a bust in a while.
  10. Does;'t really look like anyone is winning all that much, will change anyway. 12Z Euro was a bit closer on the events this week
  11. Seemed this storm performed as expected from around I84 and points north
  12. bust, poor modeling on this. Sunday was a positive bust You win some you lose some.
  13. Doubt there is plain rain tomorrow in the Bronx or even the North Shore of LI
  14. I think the issue for NYC/LI is more lack of precip than temps.
  15. Looks like the areas that missed out yesterday will cash in a bit tomorrow and the areas that got hit good yesterday will get less. Basically every model has .20 qpf for my area.
  16. Yesterdays didn't bump north (at least under 48 hours). Agree though most storms have.
  17. That map looks about what is being forecasted. Less than an inch southern NYC/1-3 inches Northern NYC/Immediate suburbs. 3-6 NW of I287.
  18. Upton has Orange/Putnam counties to your south maxing out in the low 30s and even has my area at the border of the city as all snow tomorrow so the two NWS don't seem to agree
  19. This is what I imagine living more inland is like (you live in catskills so you would know) but I think they get less bombs so to speak but more snow threats that pile up over time.
  20. The GFS was an apps runner yesterday, I don't think it has much of a clue on this storm.
  21. Agree I have developed a rule which so far has had some success in predicting storms. If it starts below freezing in the city and no there is no strong mid level warmth expect it to perform well, if it starts above freezing in the city but strong dynamics (ex: yesterday) expect it to perform. Any other scenarios expect totals to bust low. This one starts below freezing in the city. (there is some mid level warmth but with a weak low tracking off the coast I wouldn't expect it to be that strong)
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