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Everything posted by WxBlue

  1. As a former outsider, to be fair, 15-30" is mind-blowing stuff outside New England. We simply can't fathom it unless we experience it for ourselves.
  2. Getting close to 5" by now. Really pouring with that band now over us.
  3. Beam blockage on GYX radar is a bit annoying because it's hard to tell what's going on over my town. Oh well... definitely a band setting up along the Seacoast NH/Maine.
  4. Just measured 4.2". Not bad but rate will need to improve if we want to meet GYX's 20" call around here. That coastal band is trying to push a little more west and park it over us so we'll see.
  5. I mean... you're not wrong. It's useful for nowcasting in several scenarios, but I'm not sure banding nor'easters are one of them.
  6. Yikes... a bit east of us. Don't like being in middle of that.
  7. Vertical cross section on Tropical Tidbits FTW. Levi out-did himself once again on this one.
  8. Agree. Our upper range is more like 25" if NAM is correct (now that'd be insane on top of our 6-8" pre-storm depth).
  9. GYX actually bumped our forecast to 20". That will be interesting...
  10. As far as I'm concerned, this storm is gravy stuff that'll go on my biscuit southern-style. It's much easier to appreciate it even if we fall short of my 14-20" range since we already had this dance last week. 1.8" on my snow board so far. A bit below our pace due to subsidence.
  11. Been a slow event so far, relatively speaking, but it's about to pick up with that band rotating toward us.
  12. Too cloudy to go out tonight, unfortunately.
  13. Unfortunately, I'll have to agree. Numbers aren't great.
  14. Yeah, we'll have to see. Will be looking at numbers closely this evening.
  15. Went up the road from Dover and was able to get two bright green bands on my long exposure pictures. It was around for about 5 minutes before fading away.
  16. Thanks! I was using my F3.5 zoom lens, but I plan on buying F2.8 wide angle soon!
  17. What was your f/number? Just curious. Thursday night event was my first attempt at spotting northern lights and it was gorgeous to watch from Alton Bay around midnight! Wish low clouds to north weren't there or I would've gotten better pictures, but I'll take a solid green aurora band for my first attempt! Hopefully next good event will have pillars...
  18. Finally made it back to New Hampshire and what an insane couple of days! We ended up settling on a hilltop field in Vonore, TN. We had no problem with clouds in the valley, with cumulus clouds only appearing over the horizon to west and east. It was insanely awesome to see cumulus clouds dying out to west as moon's shadow approached to us as we got closer to the totality. I don't think I need to explain the rest of what the experience was like, but it was one of coolest sights I ever saw. Up there with McLean tornado earlier this year, but this eclipse has a slight edge over that due to how rare it is in United States. Traffic was horrible the whole trip back to New Hampshire, as I kept running into jams almost every single town on I-81 and I-84. It was awful... but it was still worth seeing the eclipse! So glad I drove south!
  19. I left NH at 5 am and made it to NC by 9 pm. No bueno...
  20. Which is why I took I-81 from NH. Traffic haven't been horrible in Pennsylvania yet, but there's lot more northerners heading down comparing to southerners traveling northward for a nice week in New England.
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