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About Polarbear

  • Birthday June 6

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  • Location:
    Batavia(between Buf & Roch)

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  1. See there was some snow a top pikes peak today.. was in Utah last week when they saw snow way up top.
  2. Even overnight? Nothing here during the daylight but I got 1.2” overnight
  3. I’ve got a crabapple tree in my yard. It would meet your height needs but it’s a useless tree to me. The apples are worthless and mine at least, has no aesthetic qualities to me. I’m actually planning to cut it down one of these weekends. Plus I had these swarming last year when the apples were on they were mean looking guys… https://xerces.org/blog/an-unlikely-invasion-giant-hornets-in-north-america
  4. Please no… I’m always on board for snow but not this time period… I’m suppose to be flying to TN to pick up my new truck on the 22 and I’d like to get home and undercoated before having to put it through salt….
  5. I was out in looking into woodland park and then up in Boulder in early September . While I was a bit disappointed in woodland park, we stayed just north of town up in some hills. On our last night, a storm rolled in to our south and it was amazing to watch it roll in over the mountains and seeing the lightning down in town. Also some strikes it seemed like we were actually above the clouds/lightning. Was really cool to watch that he or so.
  6. So I priced out 6-7 of the big names online over the weekend and followed up the last couple days. Unless something drastic changes I can’t see myself not going with geico now myself. They had the lowest auto by about 70 bucks/6 months but were a few hundred higher on my homeowners. I just got off the phone with the local geico in Batavia and he shaved another 30 off the auto and 250 off my homeowners. Using all the same criteria. I expected at least a few hundred dollars increade updating my pickup from an 07 to a 22. It’s only going up 163 dollars. I was getting pretty good numbers at State Farm and could get close to matching the auto but was going to have to sign up for their drive and safe which I wasn’t crazy about.
  7. So I’m going to be getting a new pickup here at some point (deposit down, now waiting for transport I guess) Any of you guys deal with insurance or have any recommendations? I’ve used local small towns insurance til now but kinda considering going to a big name one. Geico, State Farm, etc… I went with a new company last April and this guy is just to incompetent. He’s messed too many things up in 10 months that god forbid I make a claim I’m afraid I’ll not actually have coverage or something.
  8. Been in that exact stretch before in very similar conditions in a semi. Only difference was I did in the day time… talk about a pucker factor…
  9. Im always amazed to see how bright it in other places compared to my hole in the wall. It’s pitch black even with my motion lights on… lol
  10. I remember was it March 2015? we were in the 50s and wall to wall sunshine with a blizzard warning for the next day. I think it ended up verifying as well…
  11. Half a dozen stabs around the yard with a tape measure yield an average of 15.4”… I’ll take it…. I was up at 100am with heavy heavy snow had just started… however at some point we must have gotten some freezing rain even here as there was ever so slight glaze on my gf car this morning
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