You're welcome to help me host this party later this week. I'm getting the bar stocked and the windows clean. Mappy spilt something on the carpet, so I'm having that cleaned. Come on redemption room!
Anyone wanna talk about our little snow? Caaaaannnn... ANYONE HERE ME?!?!?! IT'S DARK IN HERE. HELLO?!?! ANYONE THERE?
I'd be funny if this weekend storm trended into something. Seems like the way they usually happen.
*House rules*
-Keep it positive
We have a pretty good looking stretch of cold and possible snow coming up. After the horrid, even disturbing start to winter. We should be happy we have a decent pattern. So.. let those NW winds of change, blow.
Nice to see a little tropic discussion going on. One of my favorite storms to track. Hopefully we have a better season this year. I'm sick of hearing "dry air in the mid-levels" all season long. I definitely don't share my interest in hurricanes with most people. They tend to think your crazy.