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Everything posted by dailylurker

  1. Don't forget that doors open tomorrow at 4:20pm sharp.
  2. I was just actually cleaning the dust off the bar top and vacuuming the 420 lounge.
  3. Man.. I read the whole thread. I actually feel better about the situation were in now. Thanks for bumping
  4. I'm a bit of a farmer and I believe in the drought thread lol. This has been one of the drier winters I can remember. The ponds in my area are pretty low. I hope the drought breaks with grid clogging blizzards
  5. I was down near Cambridge yesterday. I was impressed with the snow cover. Congrats lower shore weenies. I lived down there for 5 years so I know the struggle.
  6. You killed that. Dead on what I was thinking. 1/25/2000 gets mad extra points for surprise factor and snowfall rates. That storm ripped from beginning to end.
  7. February 2010 was a GOAT storm for me. I measured 28" in the same spot I measured 22" from the 2016 blizzard. Both amazing storms
  8. Yeah, I had a little chuckle from that too lol.
  9. I feel the same. It's like we can kick back and relax for the rest of winter. Anything else that falls is just a bonus.
  10. Not a typo lol. Did you notice the massive amount of worms all over the driveways and roads around Christmas? All that rain drove the worms out of the ground. Thus you have the worm torch.
  11. It was epic lol. Looking back to the Christmas debockle cracks me up. December was such a scare. No matter what happens now. 2016 ROCKED! Crazy worm torch. Then a true MA monster. Woooweee..
  12. I'm sure it will be rocking come December
  13. Welcome, buddy. Glad you enjoyed the storm. Thanks for all your great post prior and during the blizzard. It was a special day none of us will forget. Sorry about the panic room. I heard the fire was bad.
  14. Cool stuff. Thanks for taking the time to post those. She was a real beauty.
  15. Welp. Anything this winter is a bonus. I've already reached climo
  16. Bump I think I better stock the bar.
  17. Changed the flood lights today. I want to enhance my night time viewing pleasure. I've been putting it off until a legit threat popped. Rooms go up at auction Tuesday. Bar/ lounge will be open to everyone, 24/7 if we go into storm mode. Happy hour starts at 4:20, daily.
  18. I feel so bad for you, Mappy. How will you survive with only 25" of snow lol. We all know there's a north trend coming. Glad we have a little cushion down here. Plus, you hog up all the good thunderstorms during summer
  19. I was blown away when I saw mine. TWC has "SNOW AND WIND" for my point and click. Might make it a screen saver lol.
  20. I think I might make a big pot of crab chouder, kick back, watch snow tv, get the woodstove cranking and enjoy watching this HECS unfold in the models.
  21. Welcome to the redemption room, fokes. Make yourselves at home. Deck pics, weenie rants of excitement, songs, weenie maps are all encouraged here.
  22. Redemption room open for business!
  23. It's kinda stuff is encouraged here^ Post all the storm porn you want.
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