Radar is totally dead around the metro DC area. Looks like hrrr nailed it. The trash clouds around all day didn't help. Hopefully we see some activity pop locally.
Just a few miles south of my location has been getting crushed. I've had a soaker but nothing like where the rain train is just south of me. Looks like more storms on radar popping over same area.
Hrrr looks like a chance for a scattered afternoon thunderstorm. What happened to the organized complex? I hope this "wet period" doesn't end up a shower Wednesday night.
The "rain event" dropped a little over a half inch here. I figured I wouldn't be watering all week. After the wind and dry air today I'll be watering this evening. What a bust that was.
Me neither lol. Looks like a beautiful day on tap. This is typical of our "rainy days" this time of year. A rainy weekend ends up being a overnight shower. Glad I knew better and watered the garden.
I was just venting my frustration about not getting any rain. I did end up getting a nice little pop up heavy shower right over my garden. I hope some more stuff pops up this evening. I'd love some thunder and lightning.
Looks like we went from possible strong storms to cloudy and boring. Looks like I've got a lot of watering to do in my garden over the next week and probably well beyond. Ugh.. my least favorite season is in full force.
Just about 6" on the dot on the snowboard. I was lucky with some localized heavy band overnight. Now I'm waiting to see if the coastal brings more love today. I hope temps stay steady.
Beautiful floating dendrites. It looks like I'm nearing 3.5". It's been a long time since I've seen a radar like I'm seeing this evening. It just keeps on comin.
Beautiful evening. I could see the first sign of high clouds way off to the west at sunset. I'm definitely ready for the wee..I mean cold smoke storm tomorrow night. Sunday morning is going to be a beauty.