My point and click forecast calls for rain and storms later today. Models are like "what rain". I guess I'll be dragging the garden hose around this evening.
Some fun stuff going on above my house at the moment. I'm right where the rain is streaming north into the main blob. It looks like an area of enhanced lift developing. The radar is starting to blossom.
Hrrr is definitely looking better for late tonight. I just applied some calcium rich top dressing on my tomato, cucumber, zucchini and squash plants. I hope this soaker takes shape. My veggies will love it.
It sat 5 miles west of me. I stood and watched the impressive fireworks it produced. The rain totals will be impressive. I hear my local fire department in the distance headed out. I'm willing to bet there's water rescues going on.
I agree. Just stepped out for a late 420 session and broke a sweat just sitting there for 5 minutes. This is the only extreme type weather I don't like. Give me a high temp of 7 and a 50mph wind and I'm good.
Getting crushed. Storm blew up right over me and is just sitting over me dumping rain and throwing lightning bolts. Even had some wind and small hail. My corn is probably laying flat.
The sun is brutal this time of year. It's amazing how fast it dries the soil out in my garden. I'm using straw to fight that. Hopefully these storms make it into the DC area this evening.
I'm just being frustrated. I was excited about getting at least a nice thunderstorm at least a couple times this week. I've had enough showers to water my garden but nothing fun or exciting. I'd be cool with a nice lightning show at this point.
I had a nice shower about an hour ago. My garden is exploding in growth. Tonight feels like one of those nights where you wake up to flashes of lightning and rumbling thunder.