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Everything posted by dailylurker

  1. Looks like I get a 5 minute shower then back to dry dusty for the foreseeable future. AA and PG counties seem to be the bullseye of this impressive drought. I hope we don't get some crappy warm dry winter this season.
  2. That much? It was still dry under the trees where I live. I doubt we see anything this week.
  3. Yeah. I'm sure we won't see a drop. My point and click has slowly taken the chance out for Monday and Tuesday. I'm pretty impressed by this drought. Amazing how horrible it looks from AA country all the way to OC. Trees are dieing, grass is gone.
  4. And AA country continues on to D2 drought. Congrats to everyone who got a little rain this morning.
  5. WTH happened this morning with the site lol. Looks like some funky update went on.
  6. Looks like yet another 90 degree day on tap. I can't wait for that front later next week.
  7. I can breathe easy. Justin Berk is saying were going to have a snowy winter because on sept 24, 2010 it was 95 degrees. It's atmospheric memory.
  8. So does my point and click. After these 2 days of normal temps it's highs near 90 as far as it goes out. I think our rants are justified.
  9. I was standing in my bathroom and heard something I haven't heard in months, rain. It was hard to believe at first. It was a 2 mile wide rain shower. Weird
  10. We'll just get dews new 80 and clouds.
  11. Models aren't excited about and rain today. They are excited about the one thing we do best, heat. I'm sure we'll over perform and be near 100 this afternoon. Can't beat highs near 100 in the middle of September.
  12. Heat and drought stress. It's not from fall weather.
  13. All I see is ugly brown dry leaves. Looks like another not so beautiful fall incoming.
  14. It's getting extremely dry around here and there's no relief in sight. I hate ugly brown dry falls. Looks like another fall with no fall color incoming.
  15. Here as well. Enjoy it while it last. Looks like summer returns in a couple days.
  16. I've been watching the hurricane and not paying attention to local weather. I was pleasantly surprised to see some action to the NW. Come on, thunderstorms. It's dry around here.
  17. Same deal in my yard. I just let the moss take over the shady areas. The soil ph is another big issue around the Beech trees. They tend to kill off competition from other plants.
  18. Man.. all that hype in Florida for a fish storm. I bet they are breathing easier.
  19. I work semi outside and I thought it was fantastic. I even had to put my jacket on this afternoon. Awesome indeed
  20. Looking forward to today's fall preview. Cloudy, cool with a chance of rain in the afternoon. That sounds delightful.
  21. The line out in northern VA has lit up with warnings. I like the trend on radar. It would be cool to get a nice night time storm. Sounds like a jungle out there this evening.
  22. Radar looks pretty lame except for right over my house. Today was my lucky day. Classic summer thunderstorm with gusty winds, ground shaking thunder and sheets of rain. Still raining along with nearby lightning. Once it's done I'll go check the rain bucket and see what I got.
  23. Oh joy. Flooded areas get more flooding and those of us that are cleaning up fall foliage early this year due to drought get no relief. Got it
  24. When I went into the dispensary the sky was clear to my NNW. When I came out 15 minutes later i see a big ole tower sitting there. Beautiful structure to these storms. That storm over NW DC is dropping real deal hail.
  25. Looks like some decent action building out in the mountains. Hopefully a good sign for later.
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