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Everything posted by dailylurker

  1. I was just thinking the same thing but it's loud sleet. Is it the pixie dust stuff mixing with the sleet. Starting to get missiles mixing in here as I type. Come on mix this sh*t layer out.
  2. Crazy. Started as cold smoke 7 miles west of you where I am. Got about a half inch then sleet. I'm having a pixie dust needle storm right now. It's gotta be snow because it's sticking to the side of my truck.
  3. Sleet drizzle acts like snow. More sleet drizzle please. Lower visibility and whitening things up.
  4. I wonder if this heavy band coming up from the south will be enough to flip this sleet back to snow for a bit here in the DC area. Radarscope says it is.
  5. I'm getting this weird pixie dust that looks like needles at closer inspection. It's dusting things up like it's snow. Visibility down as well.
  6. Soon as I did it started to pixie dust. Maybe it worked lol I come here to vent and I leave it here. It's just weather. It doesn't actually affect me outside this page.
  7. Totally quiet suddenly with a weird pixie dust.
  8. What's up with radar? Looks like after this first batch of bs goes through it will be intermittent and showery. What a bust lol. I'll always remember the winter of the bust. Even the one 4" snow I got was flurries for 3 days lol
  9. It's the only model to trust these days. Deadly accurate in predicting fails.
  10. The NAM won this 24 hours ago. I called it yesterday morning. When the NAM says no. It's no. Light slop 27
  11. Looks like it will be over in a few hours looking at radar. Another inch of slop annoyance.
  12. Yeah, who cares though lol. No one lives there. Sleet and garbage 27
  13. Radar doesn't even look that impressive. Lots of holes. Not that matters lol
  14. I hope this just goes to freezing rain. Sleet is so annoying and boring. Another great forecast. Snow until 11am lmao
  15. Sounds like this is failing before it even gets going. Sleet- The most worthless winter precip. I'll always remember this as the winter of endless failure.
  16. Here too. I'm east of DC and haven't heard one ping.
  17. Sounds like everywhere is going sleet.
  18. Weird it's sleeting all around me and it's cold smoke here.
  19. Right on. That skiff is all you need. I've got a 21' Grady White. It's nice for an all around type boat. Skiffs are great for crabbing. I crab the Severn in June. Usually Eastern Bay/Crab Ally during the dog days and finish on the Wye in October. It's beautiful on the Wye in the fall. Crabs are delicious. Keep in touch. I'll send you some spots.
  20. You'all in here talking about crabbing? That's my s*it. I've been running a trotline my whole life. Stay out of my spots lol Gfs has some chilly temps Sunday morning. At least we get a few deep winter days before the sun angle scorches the earth surface in a week.
  21. I swear that's the same map I've seen all winter. Sitting at about 6" of slop for the season lol
  22. I'm opposite of most people here. I hate tracking events and only enjoy the actual weather. Once a storm starts I tune out and no longer even look at radar.
  23. I'm use to it. I'm chasing spring at this point so no longer care. Another impressive win for the NAM. It's been deadly accurate this season. Pretty amazing actually.
  24. Hopefully this is the last fail of the season and this blocking crap doesn't last all spring. I'm ready to torch this turd of a winter and move on.
  25. Welp.. their goes the storm trend. Already unreadable due to banter.
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