Hopefully the last of the slop pack melts off today and we can get some dryness. I need to till my garden plot in the next couple weeks so I need dry. I don't care if it's warm dry or cold dry. Just need dry. It's been a swamp for 2 years and I'm totally over it. This tropical environment is killing off my oak trees too. I guess I should replace them with palm trees.
The only time every critter in the forest is full to the point they can't eat anymore. It's also giving the forest a big dose of fertilizer. It's really amazing if you think about it.
Gotta register everywhere and anywhere. I live in AA county where it doesn't snow and my parents had to go to PG county. Others I know have gone as far as Salisbury. I just messaged a couple older friends telling them about M&T stadium. I pre registered already and I'm only 42. I'm waiting for a cancelation so I can get in early.
I've got as much ice on the trees now as I did for the event a couple weeks ago. Pretty surprised at the amount of ice on trees. Temp holding around 31.
Pouring rain. Story of my winter. I did get a quick half inch earlier of some nice quality snow that's already washed away. I'm ready for a thunderstorm this afternoon. Might as well see how bad the mud and flooding get.
Absolutely. I'm surrounded by lots of forest land that's full of creeks and marsh. I've also never seen it this waterlogged this time of year. I'm almost scared of what's coming this spring.
Just seems like we can't get any cold this winter. It's been pretty frustrating especially when the deep south is buried in snow and cold. I need cold to kill cut worms in my soil. This year is going to be bad.
Bone chilling 25 degrees lol
Gotta get the Dosidos-22. It's the best in MD. Get your card if you already haven't and hit the dispensaries. MD is very liberal about it. Anyone can get a card.
Not me.. I've been into the heavy indica lately. It makes these fails more magical.
Not gonna lie. I do like my frozen slop pack. It's going to be a nice wintery weekend.
Trees have a bit of a glaze this morning due to freezing drizzle. Roads are a skating rink. I might not be able to do my mile run this morning because of it. 27 degrees. Hopefully the temp stays below freezing today.
I thought about that lol. I wanted to get a low light low flight over the woods. I thought it would look cool. I didn't want to risk damaging the camera once I felt the mist.
Getting really slippery out there. Jeb walking here soon. 28 degrees with drizzle.
Looks like about 1.5" of snow and mostly sleet. I said this morning how the radar to the SW looks like nothing but scattered light activity after the main band. I got roasted and here we are at 11:15 with reports of sunshine. I guess some people don't like reality mention on here lol. Another bust. Amazing. I will say the sleet is cool to walk in.