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Everything posted by dailylurker

  1. They do hibernate. I was taking logs off my firewood stack last week. I pulled a log off and a half asleep bat plopped on the ground. I left it alone and it was gone the next day. It warmed up enough that it probably took off.
  2. Looks like another over performer inbound. Crazy how it doesn't just rain anymore. It's always a flood event pretty much every time it rain.
  3. Another foggy cold day at the beaches. Can't wait to get out of here on Saturday.
  4. Ugh.. I lived here for 5 years. I remember burning my woodstove in May while 5 miles inland would be sunny and 75. I'd be 50 with low clouds and fog. Even early June can be sneakily shitty lol.
  5. I'm down in OC on business this week. Yesterday was foggy and about 48 degrees. Miserable this time of year at the coast.
  6. You should stop by for a severe fail later this spring. Maybe swing by for a tropical fail later this summer. If not I'll see you next season for more winter fails.
  7. I'm a fan of high 50's low 60's. Even high 50's is short sleeve weather when you're out in the sun. Looks dry too. Perfect potato growing weather. Cold and wet causes seed potatoes to rot.
  8. Tilled my potato plot yesterday and was surprised how dry it was even down 12 inches. It was perfect for tilling. I thought it would never dry out concerning how wet it was 10 days ago. Higher sun angle and warm winds did the job. Cooler this morning. 45 degrees
  9. Today feels like a good day to burn this pile of brush I've been letting dry out.
  10. Worst thread ever lol. I'm ready to fail at severe now. Had enough failing at winter.
  11. That last sentence made me chuckle. New here I take it lol
  12. The mud is starting to tighten up a little bit. These dry breezy days are really helping. High sun angle isn't hurting either. Pre growing season (tilling and fertilizing time for potato planting) is looking fantastic this year. Perfect condition by next week for my ground. 58 under blue skies. Still sunny at 5:18pm.
  13. One of the coldest mornings of the season here at a not very impressive 23. I think 22 was my coldest.
  14. Lol gotta use JO#1 for doing stuff like that. JO#2 (the salty one) is basically just for steaming crabs.
  15. JO spice is what crab houses use. Old Bay is for tourists.
  16. Yup. Pretty much a blazing dumpster fire full of HIV syringes in AA county for the third winter in a row. I guess the pixie dust slop job was the most exciting event in at least 2 years. Pretty sad lol
  17. For a bunch of weather weirdos there's so pretty funny s*it on here on a regular lol
  18. I've been so frustrated this season that I really didn't keep a detailed log of my totals. I just kept a mental tally and it's between 7-8" for the season. The map above looked accurate for my county.
  19. Very cool. Another impressive map from the map master. I'm surprised how many members live in the same snow hole as I do.
  20. America isn't getting any thinner drinking Icecream favored beer lol
  21. Man.. blower. You missed the only real widespread severe I've witnessed in my 42 year long life in the Mid Atlantic.
  22. Yup. Same. I noticed that yesterday when I tried to run the GFS (hunting dry weather) and got the same message. Now it seems the entire site is down.
  23. Hopefully that doesn't mean there's not going to be more worthless blocking that just gives us cold rain until may. Bring on the se ridge and dry weather.
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