This evening I had the craziest cicada experience of my life. I have a 3 acre open area with three large Chinese Chestnut trees. Tonight at dusk I was headed inside and I thought I heard water running. It sounded like a hose running. That's when I realized it was a mass emergence of cicada. It sounded crazy as they climbed through the dry leaves under the trees. The tree trunks were 50% covered in cicadas. It was kinda alien.
I agree but I could do without having to burn my woodstove every night because it's 45 degrees every morning. Just give me 55 at night and 75 during the day and I'm good until fall with that.
I live in a very wooded area in AA County and haven't seen hardly a sign of them. 1987 was crazy. 2004 wasn't nearly as bad. I wonder if the population is decreasing around the edges of the normally effected area.
I was totally fine. I felt chilled all day Saturday and my arm hurt like hell but that was it. I threw on and extra sweatshirt and went about my business. Yesterday I was 100% fine. Thanks to Qanon I know Bill Gates will be watching me so I'm prepared with my tin foil hat. Off to the grocery store!
Totally true. It's either 88 and blazing sun or cloudy a 51. Sunny and 70-75 is as rare as 28 with snow. Our specialty is 33 and rain and 95 and drought lol.
It's been 18 hours since my second shot of freedom juice. I feel totally fine so far. Maybe slightly chilled but that could just be the chilly weather. I'm going to take it easy for today. I'll wait 14 days before I cause a scene at Home Depot for not wearing a mask.
It's been 4 hours since I had my second Moderna jab. So far I just have the typical vaccine in the arm feeling. Cannabis doesn't seem to effect anything either lol
A stretch of cold and damp can change that really fast. Cucumbers especially hate cool damp weather. Fungal issues can develop and cause problems. I like to wait until temps are at least 55 at night. I've had healthy plants suddenly go from healthy to mush from long duration cool damp weather. I've tried everything over the years. I get the big loaded monster plants when I plant later.
I agree but it's the lows in the 40's that make a gardener cringe. I'll take mid 50's for lows and highs near 70 all summer lol. Just get rid of those 40's!