It's just a thin stripe of high clouds. I'm 7 miles west of there and it already passed my area. I see it just to my east. Full sun here now. Feels primed for lots of lightning and rain today.
You're basically the only person I go to for my tropical info. You kill it.
94L is looking like it's trying out there. Come on, baby. Bring some interesting weather.
Thunder in every direction around me but still rock hard ground. I hate watering my garden while worried about being struck by lightning from a dumping storm 3 miles away.
It's pretty damn dry here despite a couple light rains. Any rain in the path month has hardly wet my driveway under the trees though. The ground is like cement in my yard.
Radar hallucinations already this morning. It almost looks like it want to rain today from DC east. I know it won't but the radar looks interesting.. kinda. This has been one boring stretch of weather.
Decent line of storms headed in my direction from the NW. It actually looks like it's gaining some juice. Now that my edible is kicking in it's a perfect time for a Jebwalk.