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Everything posted by dailylurker

  1. Sounds like the northern end of the county did better. Pretty boring AA county type winter I'm use too on the southern part.
  2. Carroll County is talking about how they have no snow days left. We've had like 8" in a place that averages 30-35" lol.
  3. Pretty significant ice storm here last night and this morning. Temp stuck at 30.2 all night along with periods of heavy freezing rain.
  4. Heavy freezing wind driven rain and 29.3 degrees. Ice is building up really fast. This is one of those events I'm glad I'm up here in high Carroll County. This is fun. I'm watching icicles growing before my eyes.
  5. Same thinking here. I'm at 30.2 and icy. We get pretty cold at my elevated location so I'm thinking 28-29 here.
  6. Railings/branches ect are definitely accumulating ice now that the sun is going down. The drizzle has picked up in intensity as well. Temp down to 31.2.
  7. Same here. White plastic railings are a sheet of ice and the pine trees are starting to get that look. Temp here is 31.
  8. Boo lol. I love anything besides 33 and rain. Ice forming on the bamboo trees next door. Temp was stuck at 32.7 all morning but has crashed to 31.5 in the past 10 minutes. I also finally got myself a real deal weather station. Love it
  9. Pretty cold up here. Just dropped to 30. Probably an extended period of wintery precip here later today.
  10. Down to 38.6. Down at my property in AA County is 49 still. Probably easy to see where frozen is going to happen. I like my location up here for this one.
  11. I've been use to that for years in AA County. I moved to Carroll County and picked up a whooping 8" for the season lol. I guess winter in the MA is really a thing of the past it seems.
  12. Woohoo.. my new location gets frozen on all three models. Ahhh.. living in snow country (Carroll County) sure makes for easy living. Seriously though.. this place is way colder at night then AA County.
  13. It was crazy. My girlfriend and I both jumped up and almost ran for the basement. It was roaring like crazy.
  14. I'd estimate we had a 60+ mph gust here at about 4:50am. It was actually pretty scary sounding.
  15. Good to see you back. You have to be the #1 severe weather enthusiasts on this board. Very knowledgeable as well. I depend on and appreciate what you add to this board.
  16. Are you on the northern end of Parrs Ridge? I saw you mentioned you live on a Ridge near PA border? On on the top of the Southern End 7 miles north of 70.
  17. 11 here on Parrs Ridge this morning.
  18. We got hit hard here this morning lol
  19. It sure has. Yesterday morning was my first real taste of what living at almost 1000' elevation can do. I'm at the top of the southern part of Parrs Ridge. I can literally watch the snow decrease as I head down the ridge towards 70. It's always 2-4 degrees colder soon as I get to the last mile home. Cold at night here too. AA County is tropical compared to here. 18 and watching dark clouds moving in from the NW.
  20. Carroll county just sent out a robo call saying we have a 2 hour delay. I guess this squall means business.
  21. I'm watching a nice squall dropping south through Carroll County as I type. Looks like some fun here soon.
  22. No official measurement but it looked like 3"+ on Parrs Ridge. Drove down to my property near Annopoils and white rain.
  23. Temp down to 44 and steadily dropping. I feel like here on Parrs Ridge we're going to do ok tonight. 2-3" or bust.
  24. Ya man winter is being put in the coffin now Hopefully not. 8" season for my first season on Parrs Ridge and 20+ where I came from in AA County wouldn't be acceptable lol
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