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Everything posted by dailylurker

  1. No sad eyes here in the lowlands! An 18 inch season is great. It was a good quality 18" imo. 10" came nearly in one storm and stuck around for almost a month. I also walked on ice without dieing. That's unusual for the lowlands lol
  2. I feel like i gained a crew this season. Let's go LOWLANDERS! Woopwoop lol
  3. That's where P-diddy is from. You don't want to go there. I have no idea lol. Probably the area just east of the blue ridge.
  4. Lowlands are from the fall line to the Chesapeake Bay. The eastern shore is the flatlands.
  5. Yup. Solid A in the lowlands. Doesn't feel like it today though lol. I had a lot of fun experiences in January hiking snowy trails at our local state parks a nature reserve. We had frozen ponds, 4 weeks of snowpack and two storms over 6". It's hard to complain about that. Now March 1 can bring on spring. I'm ready to get back to work and get my business going for the new season.
  6. Not to bragg, but I 100% nailed this winter forecast back in Oct. I'll bump the post when things cool down a bit lol
  7. Or I'm standing there waiting for the first flakes and it's rain. I've got LOTS of funny bust stories. Yes, funny. Life is to short to let this get anyone down.
  8. I've seen warnings up for 12"+ and it failed the day of the storm. I'm 46 and I could tell stories all day of fails at short range. I rather it fail like this.
  9. I learned a lot this winter about models. If there's one "off run" by any model when a storm looks likely. Don't ignore it and make fun of it. The euro AI sniffed this out and we laughed at it. I hate to say it but it sure does make sense to go with the model with the worst outcome. It seems right 80% of the time.
  10. Looks like a squall coming across VA. I bet some fokes wake up to a dusting.
  11. I don't have pretty beer can but I have beautiful flowers. Come on gfs. Here's a lucky flower!
  12. That was wild. Looks like i need a new boat cover. A tree branch nailed it. The boat is fine, thankfully.
  13. Dude. Stop bringing down the room. Were moving on. Look at the NAM lol
  14. I'm headed down there on Wednesday morning or before it starts. Lots of places to stay. I'm thinking oceanfront.
  15. Where's my damaging wind at? Calm and warm right now. Feels like spring is right around the corner.
  16. It looks pretty dry and honestly, pretty boring after the Wednesday thing. We need to keep the rain train coming through spring. Can we get a thread for the Wednesday storm? It's not really LR anymore lol
  17. I honestly don't remember that. I remember one run where it slipped south like 20 miles and everyone freaked out. Next run used totals and we got the 20 miles back lol
  18. That was wild. A week before the storm the pattern hunters were all over it. It was 11pm and the gfs dropped a bomb. Every model picked it up that night. It didn't waver one mile for a week.
  19. Yup. And I'm taking away his snow whisperer status. It will become snow farter. Or fringe master psu lol
  20. Another qpf bust here. I can't seem to get over a half inch of rain from any storm lately. The forecast for 1.00-1.50" was a bust. Only .50". Hopefully the wind lives up to the hype.
  21. I have a feeling were going to see an entirely different setup as we near. Not the massive blizzard look but sometimes more climo (4-8). PSU might be hinting at something like that.
  22. Welp, time to talk about drugs again. Lol
  23. Yup. The dispensary doesn't give it away for free. They also don't use would class genetics and the best organic feed money can buy lol
  24. My kinda weather. Snow is probably my favorite storm but I'll take anything exciting lol
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