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Everything posted by dailylurker

  1. Wow! It might be more like a 500 year flood in those areas.
  2. It's already pouring down there and has all night. I can't imagine. This could be a 100-300 year flood IMO.
  3. I think this storm will be remembered for it's massive flooding. It looks like a real disaster for the Smoky Mountains and the Southern Appalachian Mountain region. Their will be the typical wind damage at the coast that, that area sees every few years. IMO that won't be the big story with this rain bomb.
  4. Oh look. Another dark, nasty day weather day. Ugh.. it's not like there's been any actual rain here. Just drizzle and fog for weeks. Looks like another week at least until we see sun. Ahhh... our other base state lol
  5. I'd love a live Jebwalk as the clear sky stadium moves over your location. Good luck. Safely first!
  6. I know. I just had to vent my frustration. I need dry sunny weather for the next 2 weeks for my cannabis plants lol. Right now it looks damp and not ideal.
  7. Looks like we're back to our other base state for the next 7-8 months. Cloudy, damp, cool, drizzly. I guess we are lucky we had 2 weeks of fall weather before the gloom set in. It's still super dry here a few inches below the surface. I'm sure that will change now that gloom season is here.
  8. I'd keep an eye on it though. You know how models flip flop. I'm hoping for some sunshine and nice fall weather. I'm over the dreary conditions and my huge plants are in bloom and need dry air and sunshine.
  9. It looks like it rains itself out over the Midwest.
  10. Dry as a bone here still. I lifted some straw in my garden and the little bit of rain that fell here didn't make it through the straw. The trees are about a month ahead due to stress. It's crazy dry here.
  11. GFS is back to boring next week. It has a huge hurricane in the gulf but has no clue where it goes. For now it goes across Florida and OTS. I see blue sky. Is it possible we end up with decent weather the rest of the week.
  12. I've done better than I thought. I've gotten some decent showers that have dropped 0.52" since the start.
  13. We need real rain. Looks like we'll have to wait until next week. For now we get showers and sprinkles. It's not even wet under the trees here. Creeks are still completely dry pathways through the woods.
  14. The creeks that feed into the South River watershed are completely dry. One creek bed looks like a walking path through the woods. It's just dry sand. It's worse now than back in July. The creeks didn't completely dry up. This weeks sprinkles and showers won't do a thing.
  15. 24 hours from the start and I'm not sure if I'm getting 4" of rain or no rain at all. Great warmup for winter lol
  16. I need dry conditions right now for my cannabis crop. It looks like Tuesday is wet and humid. From what I can tell, it looks like dry high pressure pressing in from the north and NE by Wednesday. Do we get into lower humidity after the storm?
  17. I'm a huge weenie. I've been tracking every run lol. I thought more people would of talked about it. It still looks like an interesting setup for a big ocean storm.
  18. And...... poof lol. It keeps it offshore now. Anyone who surfs should keep an eye on it. It looks like a swell maker. Not a drop of rain the entire GFS run.
  19. It's been insisting for a couple days that a hurricane is coming up the bay.
  20. I spent most of the day crabbing the Wye River. The sunrise this morning was spectacular. It felt like a classic mid October crabbing sesh. Beautiful crabs and beautiful weather. 10/10
  21. Bring on another drought and low humidity. I need dry weather to prevent mold on my cannabis blooms. The past couple of evenings I've noticed big temperature differences in low areas compared to elevated areas. I'm only talking 100 feet or less. Walking down hill was like walking into an air conditioned room. I love micro climate stuff.
  22. I guess it's good practice for winter lol. Chilly morning 50
  23. Friday night into Saturday looks like a nice steady rain event for most of the area. Definitely a sign of fall. Saturday morning looks like a good morning to sleep in.
  24. Is it going to rain today? All the point and clicks say yes but models have nothing.
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