Reed Timmer has a very interesting live going on right now. It looks like the south side of the eye is starting to look healthier. The outter eye wall is just starting to hit Reeds location.
We should have a extreme beautiful weather warning this afternoon and watches up for the rest of the week.
Deep blue sky
Low humidity
Perfect 72 degrees
Beautiful fresh breeze from the NW.
I'm off work early and getting ready for a hike.
Naaaa.. PSU is getting fringed. He'll have orenge sky to his west and dark snowy sky to his east during the big one. He'll get a few sloppers that only stick to grass while we rain, but who cares lol.
Yup. It destroyed my entire cannabis crop. Everything is rotting on the stem. Our climo sucks for everything around here. Oh look! Still cloudy and damp. Someone gave me crap a few days ago for saying this shit won't clear out on Wednesday lol
Same thing I thought. I wonder where it is? It's still socked in with drizzle here. I'm very much into hiking and I'm so tired of slimmy trails and slippery rocks and roots. That and my cannabis needs to be harvested. I need the buds to dry out on the plant before I can harvest. Mold has destroyed most of the outdoor crop in the area. I was smart and used mold resistant strains.
Isn't it weird how it's been raining in Southern VA for the past 6 weeks, but soon as it moves north it just evaporates? It's been 2 months since my area has had a soaking rain over an inch. It's just been drizzling for 3 weeks straight.
Where? Same ole crap here as the past 2 weeks. Looks like another week incoming. Having 3 weeks of drizzle and fog before our 6 months of drizzle and fog is just awesome lol. Our new climo is like London.
Seems like interesting weather in general. East of 95 has been a snoozer. We'll make up for it this winter when he get hammered with La Nino, flatland blizzards.
The radar is pretty confusing. Shouldn't the heavy blob on the Eastern Shore be west of DC? Shouldn't it be moving NW and not NE lol. Cloudy and humid is getting really boring.