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Everything posted by dailylurker

  1. That didn't even wet the ground under trees lol. By noon it will be back to dusty dry..
  2. Interesting? That run was more interesting than the past 6 years lol
  3. As someone who loves weather, this is crazy boring. It has been beautiful and I've been loving the trail conditions where I normally hike. I do enjoy the change in seasons. I'd prefer cool, damp, normal conditions. I like being outside during all four seasons. Having only two seasons is definitely kinda weird and not easy to get use to.
  4. Looks like Sunday rain chances are going poof.
  5. It's hard to hold a candle in warm November rain. I hope i end up walking in the cold November rain. Because sometimes we need some time all alone.
  6. We sure could use cold November rain. 56 and cloudy. The beech and oak trees are peaking making for a great second peak (hardwoods change later).
  7. GFS tries to bring tropical moisture up here in about a week. Fingers crossed
  8. Shit lol. You caught me doing my morning "walk". This garden grown sure is smoky. Toasty out there today. Looks like we hit 82 here in the South River watershed.
  9. We don't have any in my area lol. It must of been coming off the trees. Weird
  10. Ok. Super weird shit going on where I'm hiking. I'm about a mile into Bacon Ridge, Crownsville. The woods are super quiet. As I walking along I felt a raindrop on my arm. I stopped and can hear raindrops hitting the dry leaves. The weird thing is that their isn't a cloud in the sky. WTF is falling on me? Where is water coming from? It's been going on for about 10 minutes. I can feel raindrops hitting me as I type. The flight patch to BWI is right over this area. Could an airplane drop water for some reason? This is the third time I've experienced this in the past year.
  11. Crazy dry. It hasn't rained since the beginning of August here. We had some drizzle in September that didn't add up to anything and not even a cloud in October.
  12. Perfect hiking weather today. I'm actually seeing some dark clouds through the trees to the NW and the wind has been blowing pretty hard. The trees here in the South River watershed are nearing peak color.
  13. It's dry but I'm not mad. If we're going to drought we might as well enjoy it. My local hiking trails are in beautiful condition beside dusty. This feel like a normal fall besides the drought.
  14. Warm out but beautiful. Wow is it calm and quiet under this high pressure.
  15. Cut them down so only about 10" of the main stem is left. They do better then left the way the come inside. It will look like a dead stick all winter but once you put it back outside it will explode in growth and have lots of flower heads. It's not so much the temperature that kills tropical plants in our area. It's the low humidity we often get during winter.
  16. I use to work for fedex express some years ago. I had to make a early morning run from my station in Crofton. Crofton is about 18 miles south of BWI. I remember a lot of times that I would see frost around the airport but not anywhere else. It seems like it's so open there that it radiates well during the right conditions. I think the temps are probably accurate. One thing that still pisses me off is the slant stick measurement in the 2016 storm. They claimed they had 29" and that beat the Nickerbocker storm. Pffff. No way. If anything, Feb 2010 beat it but they under measured that one. In 2016 I had about 20". No more then 18" at once. It settled during the dry slot. Man... these edibles i made are no joke lol
  17. Seasonal forecast are just farmer almanacs made by computers lol. We're going to have a good ole fashion climo winter and we're going to enjoy it for what it is.
  18. Let's enjoy. Screw the grass. We'll turn wet and nasty for 6 months here soon.
  19. The good ole weather channel lol. Anyway. Very chilly out there. It's been a chilly October. 37 here in the forested South River watershed. Frost in the low spots.
  20. 39 here. Thats cold for my area this early.
  21. Snowshoe has a heavy snow shower with possible thunder headed it's way. It's beautiful out there.
  22. We had about the same amount of color a month ago. It seems the the drought stress color fell and left the green. Their hasn't been much change since the first round fell.
  23. It hasn't rained here in months. We had drizzle and mist for 3 weeks but no actual rain. It's getting seriously dry out there. Creeks are drying up again.
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