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Everything posted by dailylurker

  1. Is tropical tidbits down for anyone else? It won't load on my phone.
  2. Go in the bathroom like everyone else here. You ever check model runs during Christmas dinner before? You can't be a savage and just break your phone out and start drooling at the dinner table. Boxing day anyone? Lol
  3. Thanks lol. I was close lol. That was an epic storm. My county AA county got nuked by that storm. I can't imagine.
  4. The elite GOAT Storm= February 2010 and 1928 Knickerbocker storm
  5. Merry Christmas to everyone. I appreciate everyone here that shares the same obsession as i have.
  6. Temperature creeping above freezing with a few sleet pellets and sprinkles.
  7. I just took the trash up to the street and almost ate shit on the way back down the driveway. It's definitely a little dangerous out there on the roads this morning.
  8. Thanks, Bob. Always appreciate your analysis. My comment was more so to get the conversation going this morning in here. It got a BC response so it worked as planned lol.
  9. Still haven't seen a flake at my house yet this season. It doesn't look like that changing any time soon. Just a couple sprinkles and ice pellets this morning while the sun peaking out.
  10. That GFS snowstorm lasted 6 hours lol. Gone now with a totally different look.
  11. I'll take sprinkles and 33 to cover my semi frozen mud. Better than 65 and sunny like most Christmases lately lol
  12. I agree! I went out there a few weeks ago to check out the snow. What a wild change in weather once you cross the Allegheny Front. I'm definitely going to make the Sods a place i regularly visit. I want to do some snowshoeing out there this winter. Down to 25. It's tanking
  13. WV is a place that can definitely humble you. That area out there is wild.
  14. I bet some areas out there in WV get down below 0 tonight. Dolly Sod area would be my bet. The temp is dropping fast here as well. Down to 26.
  15. 17 here. This is the coldest the lowlands/swamps have been in a while.
  16. For rain? Looks like it gives eastern areas a wet weekend lol
  17. We need a "shocker" emoji. The temperature anomalies over Hudson Bay are pretty crazy warm on the GFS. Ugly
  18. I always see pictures of the frozen bay back in the 70's. Never any snow on the ground. Just cold and dry.
  19. That was a nice little rainer. I received .55 here in western AA County. Not a single ice pellet fell here. It's fine. I know my climo. I'm waiting on the coastal scraper the jacks my area and leaves PSU standing in his yard with a tear in his eye from seeing the blizzard ragging to his east and SE.
  20. Perfect evening for a 200mg Christmas cookie and a warm blanket. It's raining nicely and it looks like it will continue for a while.
  21. Cloudy and 40 here in the Georgia climo here east of DC. Waiting on much needed rain.
  22. Open them in 6 hours and it will be "now that's a beautiful pattern. Look at that blocking" lol
  23. What the best timing for the Catoctins? I'd like to ride up there for it.
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