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Everything posted by mosi76

  1. Hey there @BuffaloWeather Do you guys cover CNY/Mohawk Valley area? I would love to join the Discord. Thanks
  2. I know nothing and tend to agree but I have occasionally been cruising the dial and will see TWC and apparently its still snowing in St. Louis and Indianapolis so I wonder if that might be playing into a more potentially enhanced finale for us? Again I am a huge weenie and know nothing but it makes my weenie brain curious.
  3. I thought Ji declared MLK storm dead last night? .
  4. DC is back in her sights https://imgur.com/gallery/aNEPafy
  5. Pretty good band moving through NW right now Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  6. About 5" IMBY of NW DC Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  7. It looks like areas just SE of the Metro are going to get thrashed just a little more.
  8. I'd guesstimate a little north of 3" in Tenleytown Did a quick Jebwalk around the neighborhood but I want to get some rest and head out to Rock Creek Park at daybreak. Here are some pics from the walk and a short video
  9. Really beautiful scene here in North Cleveland Park. Maybe 1.25" or so
  10. Huge flakes coming down in North Cleveland Park. It's beautiful https://streamable.com/cxvlq https://youtu.be/Ipboet7vgWE
  11. Can't it tho? I mean it is the NAM. I have faith that the NAM is gonna NAM
  12. 8-12" is basically on the metro doorstep. If NAM holds (and gets support from Euro?) this afternoon, I venture they bump it north through the metro.
  13. The in-app subscription (Pro Tier One) is also well worth the money in my humble opinion
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