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About tristateweatherFB

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  1. Ty. But you see we did it twice this year and worked. If it can work next week look out! Haha. I hope we all cash in
  2. Haha not yet. And it’s a meatball watch first would be Monday night. Tuesday night a warning meaning eat your meatballs on Wednesday! We two for two with higher snowfall this year. We aiming for a biggy next week
  3. It’s been awful all year. Will correct stronger
  4. I understand the excitement of a single op run. Even the ensembles (which is more realistic). But… teleconnections!! Epo! Mjo! Combo is a good tool but know how to use it. I kept thinking the Mjo was wrong. Showing warn phase and then crash in the cod. I (we) seen this get stronger into phases. Mjo loves the cod. Well here is the new mjo. That adds to the fact the mjo teleconnection is coming around. personally I been saying warm up (though thought would be more impressive and longer) then fun come mid January 10-20th for a very long time. I am selfishly trying to get a big storm in that timeframe. Before that it’s gravy and unlikely. keep Up the good work everyone! I can’t always post due to my weather obligations. happy and healthy new year to all.
  5. I don’t post often here but for a couple of weeks I been calling for a warm holiday. Why? Look at the mjo going into phase 6. Look at the epo going positive. Look at the pna going positive. reasonable ppl or people that just want to talk snow is coming. Sorry to bust your bubble but warmth is coming second half of this month. I do see a flip back in January where I hope we cash in. We need it especially along the coast
  6. Doesn’t look like that on radar
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