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About DaveNay

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Waterman, IL

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  1. Has there ever been a sub zero HIGH with zero snow depth?
  2. We got our first "Better head to the basement" storm of 2024 in February.
  3. LOL. 27.5" in Manhattan KS would be the end of the world.
  4. Just spent 40 minutes in the basement...
  5. Can anyone spot where the crude oil pipeline is? (sorry, phone had a hard time focusing due to a slight lack of contrast in the atmosphere today)
  6. Maybe all the mosquitos will hatch early and then we get another cold snap to kill the bastards.
  7. I was just outside walking the dog, and quite a bit of my snow has gone from the powder you would expect from the recent cold to packable and able to throw snowballs for the dog.
  8. I had to clear the drifts from my driveway yesterday. Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
  9. Correct, thanks. I hate constantly converting between F and C.
  10. 104.5 hours at or below zero at my station. 9:30pm on 2023-01-12 to 5:30am on 2023-01-17
  11. A short video from my dash cam this afternoon as I drive around checking out the snowpack (I drive past @SchaumburgStormer old house @11:25).
  12. Four of the top five are commonly referred to as "inhospitable". The fifth one is the great plains. https://www.unmissabletrips.com/guides/12-places-on-earth-with-the-most-extreme-weather-conditions
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