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King James

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Everything posted by King James

  1. Sump pump is working hard. Rain starting to turn white
  2. We got a fun early morning thump but the rain is now making a mess of things. I stopped looking out the window 6 hours ago
  3. Shame. My area at least crushed it this morning
  4. I’ve had drizzle for a bit but it’s not doing much to the snow pack. Still 4-5 inches on the ground in IKK Hope this evening cranks
  5. Wind gust just blew my front door open. I think tonight will be rocking for everybody. This storm has some teeth for sure
  6. Wife couldn’t get out of driveway lol. Snow day!
  7. Winds seem to be whipping out of the E. Any chance that’s helping keep things snow south of 80?
  8. Totally get it and appreciate the time you spend here. To me this is a happy surprise
  9. Yeah, definitely got lucky. I was up around 4 to catch the first flake and it has been ripping since. Rain / snow line stayed down near Watseka Really good snow for snowballs. Lots of wind too
  10. Not a Met but feels like warning criteria down in IKK. Don’t think wife will be able to get out of the driveway. Snow piling up over the wheel wells
  11. IKK crushed this morning round. At least 4 inches out there I’d say
  12. Told my wife my weather forum turned into a group of guys calling for rain while it snows out their window SMH
  13. Nah we are going to keep over performing. You and ALEK had us at nothing but rain and look at us now We doing it
  14. 18 inches and 50mph winds. That’s big big dog club territory
  15. Unsure my dude - I trust these guys on the forum and they say it’s going to rain, so that’s what I expect But yes, already seems more impactful than what was forecast. Worried about my wife getting to work on these rural roads
  16. Hyperlocal, not a met, and no recent stays at the holiday inn….but the rain / snow line on the radar has been pushed back down around Watseka. Hasn’t made progress since the first flake here. Temp also fell from 31 to 29 since the start of the flakes edit - town just lost power for 5 seconds or so
  17. Temp dropped a degree here the last hour. Hope we fight the rain for awhile
  18. Town is about a quarter mile from me and on occasion this morning the lights from town have been whited out. Has only happened a handful of times since I’ve moved here. fun morning
  19. Wild out there right now. Dumping and wind whipped
  20. Snow just starting here in IKK. Hoping for more snow than rain
  21. GFS about to break my heart. Recent history suggest I’ll be in the rain with you
  22. This forum would be a lot of fun if we had a bookie
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