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King James

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Everything posted by King James

  1. 64 degrees at an 8 inch depth https://extension.illinois.edu/insects/cicadas
  2. Got to convince the people that they should fear the weather, pay more taxes, and eventually get to mars lol. I listen to AM radio all day and seemingly every week there is another weather story curated in a way that makes a garden variety storm sound as if it’s a precursor to greater threats in the future The playbook is exhausting.
  3. Those are fields we use to grow crop in as well. As supply chains continue to falter, we continue to ruin good dirt. It won’t be without consequences.
  4. Ease up on the solar farms plz. Ugly ass things are popping up everywhere.
  5. Excited for the serpent rockets and CERN stuff
  6. A I love winter storms and having 5+ days getting lost in model watching with you all But this winter was so tame and mild I can’t be mad at it. It was so bad that it was good.
  7. Meh. Those who go into “storm cancelled” mode are so much worse than the weenies It’s weather, it’s fun, bring on the clown maps
  8. For those who think the climate is changing, how about looking to the winds? Every other day there seems to be 30-40mph winds and every year they get more relentless When I moved to a rural area, I noticed the wind more because there is nothing to block it. But these last 3-4 years the winds feel like they are on another level. Both in frequency of windy days and the strength of the wind on those days
  9. Since when is this kind of wind described as “breezy”? It’s like a blow dryer on full blast outside. Stiff and unrelenting wind.
  10. Doesn’t get any better than this. Spring warmth and maybe some storms tomorrow.
  11. It’s more the driving / working outside for me. I manage vacant assets and last years (2022) Christmas time storm with all that wind and cold was havoc. And there wasn’t much snow to show for that. This year, work has been a breeze
  12. This winter has been pretty awesome IMO. If it’s not going to snow, give me warm temps and dry weather Last couple years felt like it was always 33 degrees, foggy, with an icy mist Probably my favorite winter of the last 5 years locally
  13. Looks like 40s-50s through most of next week. Come on spring
  14. Excited to get out in the garden early this year
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